Training Excitatory-Inhibitory Recurrent Neural Networks for Cognitive Tasks: A Simple and Flexible Framework
Fig 7
Parametric working memory task.
(A) Sample positively tuned inputs, showing the case where f1 > f2 (upper) and f1 < f2 (lower). Recurrent units also receive corresponding negatively tuned inputs. (B) Percentage of correct responses for different combinations of f1 and f2. This plot also defines the colors used for each condition, labeled by f1, in the remainder of the figure. Due to the overlap in the values of f1, there are 7 distinct colors representing 10 trial conditions. (C) Lower: Correlation of the tuning a1 (see text) at different time points to the tuning in the middle of the first stimulus period (blue) and middle of the delay period (green). Upper: The tuning at the end of delay vs. middle of the first stimulus (left) and the end of delay vs. middle of the delay (right). (D) Single-unit activity for a unit that is positively tuned for f1 during both stimulus periods (left), and for a unit that is positively tuned during the first stimulus period but negatively tuned during the second stimulus period (right). (E) Proportion of significantly tuned units based on a simple linear regression of the firing rates as a function of f1 at each time point.