Public Data Archiving in Ecology and Evolution: How Well Are We Doing? | PLOS Biology
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Public Data Archiving in Ecology and Evolution: How Well Are We Doing?

Fig 2

Completeness and reusability scores.

Frequency distribution of public data archiving (PDA) scores for (A) completeness and (B) reusability across 100 studies in 2012 (light blue bars) and 2013 (dark blue bars). A score of 5 indicates exemplary archiving, and a score of 1 indicates poor archiving (see Table 2). Studies with completeness scores of 3 or lower (left of the red dashed line in panel A) do not comply with their journal's PDA policy. Studies to the left of the red dashed line in panel B have a reusability score between “average” (score of 3) and very poor (score of 1).

Fig 2
