Dynamic Encoding of Natural Luminance Sequences by LGN Bursts
Figure 5
Sequence Detection at Different Resting Potentials
(A) The temporal profile of the excitatory sequence and the area under the ROC curves for the IFB and IF models in the excitatory sequence detection task at different resting potentials with stimulus SNR = 1/2.
(B) The temporal profile of the inhibitory sequence and the ROC areas for the IFB and IF models in the task involving the detection of the offset of inhibitory sequences at different resting potentials with stimulus SNR = 1/2.
(C) The temporal profile of the biphasic sequence and the ROC areas for the IFB and IF models in the biphasic sequence detection task at different resting potentials with stimulus SNR = 1/2.
(D) The ROC areas for the IFB and IF models in the biphasic sequence detection task at different overall firing rates with stimulus SNR = 1/2 and VT = −60 mV. The mean firing rate of the models was varied by changing the gain of the filter relating stimulus intensity to membrane potential.