Evaluating Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation of Virtualized Passive Optical Networks Over Mobile Traffic Traces Expand this Topic clickable element to expand a topic
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Evaluating Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation of Virtualized Passive Optical Networks Over Mobile Traffic Traces

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Deploying passive optical networks (PONs) requires substantial investments, despite their savings compared to point-to-point solutions. Consequently, network-sharing business models where a network operator leases its system to other service providers, are being investigated and deployed in some countries. These types of schemes require that operators are either physically isolated or have reserved capacity so that they can operate independently. We present the benefits that our group-assured dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA) algorithm brings to access network virtualization. This algorithm enables operators to take advantage of the benefits of statistical multiplexing, while maintaining isolation from other operators in the PON. To test our algorithm, we considered the particular use case of a mobile system backhauling multiple base stations through a PON. Our tests, operated over real mobile traffic traces, show increased quality of service with a reduction of backhaul capacity of >30% compared to a legacy DBA algorithm.

© 2016 Optical Society of America

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