Performance Comparison of Optical Network Topologies in the Presence of Optimized Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Expand this Topic clickable element to expand a topic
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Performance Comparison of Optical Network Topologies in the Presence of Optimized Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

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The performance of bus, ring, star, and tree network topologies is investigated for 10 Gbits/s differential-phase-shift-keying signals in the presence of optimized semiconductor optical amplifiers. By considering the signal quality factor and received power, the maximum number of users supported is calculated for different signal input powers. For all topologies, the performance is evaluated in terms of the number of users supported at the minimum signal input power of −40 dBm. The number of users supported depends upon the number of semiconductor optical amplifiers and optical couplers in all topologies.

© 2009 Optical Society of America

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