Rapid-scanning forward-imaging miniature endoscope for real-time optical coherence tomography Expand this Topic clickable element to expand a topic
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Rapid-scanning forward-imaging miniature endoscope for real-time optical coherence tomography

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We developed a miniature endoscope that is capable of rapid lateral scanning and is suitable for real-time forward-imaging optical coherence tomography (OCT). The endoscope has an outer diameter of 2.4 mm, consisting of a miniature tubular lead zirconate titanate (PZT) actuator, a single-mode fiber-optic cantilever, and a graded-index lens. Rapid lateral scanning at 2.8 kHz is achieved when the fiber-optic cantilever is resonated with the PZT actuator. This allows OCT imaging to be performed by fast lateral beam scanning followed by slow depth scanning, which is different from the conventional OCT imaging sequence. Real-time OCT imaging with the endoscope operated in the new image acquisition sequence at 6 frames/s is demonstrated.

© 2004 Optical Society of America

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