This chapter shows how to use the Microsoft Kinect sensor V2 to track body parts and how to set up a stationary virtual reality (VR) display with head-tracked perspective and pointing. Traditional stationary VR displays, such as projection displays or desktop “fish tank” displays, make the virtual world feel real in part by naturally changing the perspective as the viewer’s head moves. This is required for an accurate perspective three-dimensional (3D) geometry, making the screen or monitor analogous to a window into the 3D virtual world—where the view changes when looking from different locations. The chapter presents a method for creating a low-cost stationary VR display using a Kinect V2 sensor and a 3D television. Many stereoscopic 3D consumer displays support a “side-by-side” image format. This format places the left and right eye images on each corresponding half of a single input image, and the device then separates the two halves back into left and right images.