
计算机科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11A): 391-395.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.201200127

• 图像处理& 多媒体技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


程铭, 马佩, 何儒汉   

  1. 武汉纺织大学数学与计算机学院 武汉430200
  • 出版日期:2021-11-10 发布日期:2021-11-12
  • 通讯作者: 何儒汉(heruhan@wtu.edu.cn)
  • 作者简介:cm_jsw@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Clothing Image Sets Classification Based on Manifold Structure Neural Network

CHENG Ming, MA Pei, HE Ru-han   

  1. School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430200,China
  • Online:2021-11-10 Published:2021-11-12
  • About author:CHENG Ming,born in 1996,postgraduate,is a student member of China Computer Federation.His main research interests include machine learning and computer vision.
    HE Ru-han,born in 1974,Ph.D,professor,master supervisor,is a member of China Computer Federation.His main research interests include machine learning,computer vision and multimedia retrieval.
  • Supported by:
    National Science Foundation of China(61170093).

摘要: 随着大规模时尚数据集的公开,基于深度学习的服装图像分类得到快速发展。然而,目前服装图像分类多数是在同一件服装具有单张的、正面或接近正面的图像的场景下进行分类,这导致了当视角发生变化时常出现服装图像误分类的情况,现实中服装具有的形变大、遮挡严重等特性进一步加剧了该问题。基于上述问题,提出了一种基于流形结构神经网络的服装图像集分类方法,利用流形空间更好地表示服装的内部结构特征。该方法选用多视角度服装图像集作为实验数据集,首先通过卷积神经网络提取服装图像集的浅层特征,再通过协方差池化将欧氏数据转换为流形数据,最后通过基于流形结构的神经网络学习服装图像集的内部结构特征,获取准确的分类结果。实验结果表明,所提方法在MVC数据集上的Precision、Recall和F-1指标可达到89.64%,89.12%和88.69%,与现有的图像集(视频)分类算法相比,其分别获得了2.04%,2.65%和2.70%的提升,该方法比已有算法更加准确、高效、鲁棒。

关键词: 服装图像集分类, 计算机视觉, 流形神经网络, 深度学习, 时尚分析

Abstract: Clothing classification based on deep learning has developed rapidly with the release of large-scale fashion data sets.However,most of the current clothing image classification methods are performed in a scene where the same clothing has a single,frontal or close-to-front image,which leads to misclassification of clothing when the view of clothing changes.In reality,the clothing features such as large deformation and severe occlusion further aggravate the problem.Therefore,a clothing image set classification method based on manifold structure neural network is proposed which uses manifold space to better represent the internal structure characteristics of clothing.Concretely,first,the shallow features of the clothing image set are extracted through the traditional convolutional neural network,and then the Euclidean feature data are converted into manifold data by using the covariance pooling.Finally,the internal manifold structures of clothing image sets are learned through the neural network based on manifold structure to obtain more accurate classification results.The experimental results show that the Precision,Recall and F-1 score of the proposed method on the MVC dataset can reach 89.64%,89.12% and 88.69%.Compared with the existing image sets (video) classification algorithms,the proposed method obtains an improvement of 2.04%,2.65% and 2.70%.It is illustrated that the proposed method is more accurate,efficient and robust than existing methods.

Key words: Clothing image set classification, Computer vision, Deep learning, Fashion analysis, Manifold neural network


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