
计算机科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11A): 688-692.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.201100200

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栾凌1, 潘连武2, 闫雷2, 武小琳2   

  1. 1 国网辽宁省电力有限公司沈阳供电公司 沈阳110000
    2 国网辽宁省电力有限公司 沈阳110006
  • 出版日期:2021-11-10 发布日期:2021-11-12
  • 通讯作者: 栾凌(Luanling19780225@163.com)
  • 基金资助:

Research on Intelligent Control Technology of Accurate Cost for Unit Confirmation in All Links of Power Transmission and Transformation Project Based on Edge Computing

LUAN Ling1, PAN Lian-wu2, YAN Lei2, WU Xiao-lin2   

  1. 1 Shenyang Power Supply Company of State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Company Limited,Shenyang 110000,China
    2 State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Company Limited,Shenyang 110006,China
  • Online:2021-11-10 Published:2021-11-12
  • About author:LUAN Ling,born in 1978,BE,deputy senior economist.Her main research interests include intelligent cost control and edge computing.
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China(SGLNSY00HLJS2002775).

摘要: 为进一步提高输变电工程造价管理的精细化水平,对输变电工程全环节单元确认的精准造价管控技术进行了深入研究。首先,针对缺乏精准计量方式、缺乏成熟管控技术以及各环节单元口径协调难等现存问题进行了细致分析。然后,构建了基于边缘计算的输变电工程全环节单元确认的精准造价智能管控模型,并且采用基于混合策略的免疫粒子群算法对其模型进行优化求解。使用边缘计算搭建输变电工程各环节的造价计算模型极大地缩短了计算延迟时间,降低了数据冗余成本。最后,采用免疫粒子群算法对模型进行优化,摆脱了传统优化算法易陷于局部最优的缺点,使得模型数据处理更高效性、更精准,进一步实现了边缘计算协同的高可靠性优势,实现了高精度的全环节各单元的造价管控体系。

关键词: 边缘计算, 免疫粒子群算法, 输变电工程, 造价智能管控

Abstract: In order to further improve the refinement level of the cost management of power transmission and transformation projects,the precise cost control technology confirmed by the whole link unit of power transmission and transformation projects is studied in-depth.First of all,the existing problems such as the lack of accurate measurement method,lack of mature control technology and the difficulty in coordinating the caliber of each link unit are analyzed in detail.Then,the intelligent control model of accurate cost of the whole link unit confirmation of power transmission and transformation project based on edge computing is constructed.The model is optimized by immune particle swarm optimization algorithm based on hybrid strategy.The cost calculation model of each link of power transmission and transformation project built by edge computing greatly shortens the calculation delay time and reduces the cost of data redundancy.Finally,immune particle swarm optimization algorithm is adopted to optimize the model to get rid of the disadvantage that traditional optimization algorithm is easy to fall into local optimal.Immune particle swarm optimization makes model data processing more efficient and accurate.The algorithm further realizes the advantage of high reliability of edge computing collaboration,and realizes the high precision cost control system of each unit in the whole link.

Key words: Edge computing, Immune particle swarm optimization, Intelligent cost control, Power transmission and transformation project


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