EFI OS Loader安全加固技术的研究与实现

计算机科学 ›› 2016, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (9): 188-191.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2016.09.037

• 信息安全 • 上一篇    下一篇

EFI OS Loader安全加固技术的研究与实现


  1. 广东工业大学计算机学院 广州510006,广东工业大学计算机学院 广州510006,广东工业大学计算机学院 广州510006,广东工业大学计算机学院 广州510006
  • 出版日期:2018-12-01 发布日期:2018-12-01
  • 基金资助:

Research and Implementation of EFI OS Loader Security Reinforcement Technology

WU Wei-min, CHEN Dong-xin, LAI Wen-xin and SU Qing   

  • Online:2018-12-01 Published:2018-12-01

摘要: 对统一可扩展固件接口(UEFI)的体系架构和执行流程进行安全性分析,发现Windows启动过程中EFI OS Loader的可信性校验存在安全漏洞,其可导致Windows启动流程被劫持。针对该安全漏洞,从文件分离保护、开机身份认证和系统关键区域防护3个层次出发,提出了一种基于USB Key启动、动态口令手机令牌和EFI安全防护软件的三层安全加固的方案。将EFI OS Loader文件存放在USB Key中并加密,实现对文件的保护;把动态口令认证服务端置于USB Key中,两者的有机结合实现了高强度的开机身份认证;设计并开发了遵循UEFI规范的EFI应用程序型安全防护软件,实现了对系统关键区域的保护。实验结果表明,该方案的双认证与安全防护机制弥补了相关安全漏洞,增强了计算机系统启动过程的安全性。

关键词: EFI OS Loader,可信性校验,安全加固,身份认证

Abstract: By analyzing the safety of architecture and boot procedure of unified extensible firmware interface (UEFI),it is found that the credibility verification of EFI OS Loader has security risks,which can lead to the hijack of Windows startup process.To avoid the security risks,considering from the three layers of file isolation protection,boot authentication and system critical region protection,a three-layer security reinforcement plan based on USB Key,the dynamic password cell phone token and EFI antivirus software was proposed.Storing the EFI OS Loader file in the USB Key and encrypting it can achieve the file protection.The dynamic password authentication server is placed in the USB Key,and the combination of both mechanism can achieve a high intensity boot authentication.Designing and developing an EFI application security software following the UEFI specification can achieve the protection of the key region of system.The results show that the dual authentication and security mechanism of the program make up the relevant security vulnerabilities,and enhance the security of computer systems during startup.

Key words: EFI OS loader,Credibility verification,Security reinforcement,Identity authentication

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