Wetland mapping of Yellow River Delta wetlands based on multi-feature optimization of Sentinel-2 images
- 2019年23卷第2期 页码:313-326
纸质出版日期: 2019-3 ,
录用日期: 2018-6-6
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20198083
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纸质出版日期: 2019-3 ,
录用日期: 2018-6-6
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张磊, 宫兆宁, 王启为, 金点点, 汪星. 2019. Sentinel-2影像多特征优选的黄河三角洲湿地信息提取. 遥感学报, 23(2): 313–326
Zhang L, Gong Z N, Wang Q W, Jin D D and Wang X. 2019. Wetland mapping of Yellow River Delta wetlands based on multi-feature optimization of Sentinel-2 images. Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(2): 313–326
Estuary wetland is a special wetland type
and the extraction of estuary wetland information plays an important role in wetland conservation and scientific research. In this study
Yellow River Delta wetlands
as a typical estuary wetland in the north part of China
are considered the study area. The random forest method
which has evident advantages in feature selection and classification
was chosen to extract wetland information from the study area. First
five different characteristic variables
spectral features
vegetation index
water index
red edge index
and texture features
were generated based on Sentinel-2 data with rich multi-temporal and spectral information. Then
six different classification schemes were constructed based on the preceding characteristic information. Finally
random forest classifier was used to extract the wetland information of the Yellow River Delta and verify the extraction accuracy of different results. The purpose is to select the best plan to improve the effect of wetland information extraction. Results are as follows: (1) The effective use of multiple feature variables is the key to improving the extraction of wetland information. The contribution of different characteristics to the wetland information extraction is described as follows: the red edge index > vegetation index and water index > spectral feature > texture feature. (2) The preferred features based on the random forest algorithm are crucial to extraction accuracy
with an overall accuracy of up to 90.93%
and Kappa coefficient of 0.90. This result shows that the random forest algorithm can effectively process feature selection. In feature variable data mining
the accuracy of the wetland information extraction can be guaranteed
and the operation efficiency can be improved. This study also provides a new idea
and technology for the selection of data sources and feature and method selections for wetland information extraction.
estuarine wetlandinformation extractionSentinel-2random forestfeature selectionred edge indexmulti-temporal data
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