1. Introduction
Northwest flow snow (NWFS) events are responsible for nearly 50% of average annual snowfall totals along the windward slopes and higher elevations of the southern Appalachian Mountains (Perry 2006). The low temperatures and considerable blowing and drifting of snow, coupled with the significant spatial variability of snowfall, substantially increase the societal impacts. In some cases, snowfall can be quite heavy, as evidenced by the widespread totals of 51–76 cm (20–30 in.) along the windward slopes and higher elevations of eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina during an event on 18–20 December 2003. Significant late-season NWFS events in association with 500-hPa cutoff lows occurred during 2–6 April 1987 [up to 152 cm (60 in.)] and 6–9 May 1992 [up to 102 cm (40 in.)] (NWS 1987; Sabones and Keeter 1989; Fishel and Businger 1993). More commonly, however, NWFS results in lighter accumulations and occurs in association with midlevel synoptic-scale subsidence and moisture limited to below 700 hPa, with topography and convection providing the necessary forcing. In many cases, trajectories extend downwind from the Great Lakes into the study area (Fig. 1). The general synoptic environment, therefore, displays certain characteristics that are associated with lake-effect snowfall (LES) in the Great Lakes region, for example, a shallow moist layer that is present beneath a capping inversion (e.g., Niziol et al. 1995; Lackmann 2001). One important difference is the role of topography in controlling the spatial patterns of NWFS, maximizing snowfall on the northwest (windward) slopes and leading to pronounced shadowing on southeast (leeward) slopes (Fig. 2) (Perry 2006).
Low-level moisture increases as a result of latent heat fluxes that develop when cold air flows across the relatively warm waters of the Great Lakes in the late autumn and winter months (Niziol et al. 1995). This low-level moisture, along with the destabilization of the lower troposphere through sensible heat fluxes, generates LES on the leeward shores and immediately downwind of the Great Lakes. Even modest topographic rises of 100 m downwind of the lakes can generate additional lifting through orographic forcing, resulting in dramatic increases in snowfall (Hjelmfelt 1992; Niziol et al. 1995). Under favorable synoptic patterns, LES may extend considerable distances downwind, even as far away as the northern mountains of West Virginia (Kocin and Uccellini 1990; Schmidlin 1992). It is quite plausible therefore, under the right conditions, for the relatively higher terrain of the southern Appalachians to extract low-level moisture from the Great Lakes via orographic processes to produce accumulating snowfall.
It is apparent that air trajectories associated with NWFS in the southern Appalachians frequently extend downwind from the Great Lakes, suggesting a possible Great Lakes influence. Previous work by Schmidlin (1992) in the northern mountains of West Virginia supports this possibility. He concluded that moisture was partly of Great Lakes origin for a sample of northwest flow snow events not tied to synoptic-scale precipitation processes at Snowshoe, West Virginia. Schmidlin also concluded that at least 25%–30% of the average annual snowfall at Snowshoe during the 12-yr period of analysis was tied to periods of LES along the Lake Erie snowbelt. Johnson (1987) has also suggested that much of the snow that accumulates in periods of northwest flow in the southern Appalachians, particularly farther north in the mountains of West Virginia where accumulations are typically greatest, is LES due to the modification of the upstream air masses through sensible and latent heat fluxes. Sousounis and Mann (2000), through simulated model experiments, showed that the combined effects of the Great Lakes (e.g., the lake-aggregate effect) play an important role in warming and moistening the lower troposphere at the synoptic scale and thereby enhancing LES in some instances.
Although significant ice cover typically develops over portions of the Great Lakes by midwinter, large areas of open water often remain, particularly over southern portions of Lake Michigan (Assel 2003). Only in the coldest winters, such as that of 1976/77, does nearly continuous ice cover develop across Lake Michigan. Significant ice cover limits the sensible and latent heat fluxes and, thus, reduces LES activity in areas immediately downwind of the lakes. It would also follow that significant ice cover across the entirety of the Great Lakes would reduce the lake-aggregate effect and result in a noticeable reduction of lower-tropospheric moisture and humidity considerable distances downwind. We hypothesize that the lake-aggregate effect in the absence of significant ice cover is important in enhancing snowfall in the southern Appalachians when trajectories exhibit a Great Lakes connection (GLC). Additionally, analyses of recent NWFS events have led us to hypothesize that particular air trajectories downstream of individual lakes may lead to further localized enhancement.
Recent work (Perry 2006) showed that cold season northwest flow is tied to the occurrence of upslope snowfall along the windward slopes of the southern Appalachians, but it is unclear whether or not the air trajectories typically exhibit a GLC. Previous work (Perry and Konrad 2004) also found that heavy NWFS events are associated with higher values of lower-tropospheric relative humidity and lower 1000- and 500-hPa heights, although the extent to which the heavy events are tied to trajectories with a GLC is also unknown. Other than this small body of research, little is known about the general climatology or antecedent upstream air trajectories associated with NWFS in the southern Appalachians. Therefore, this paper classifies NWFS events on the basis of backward air parcel trajectories through an analysis of 191 NWFS events during the period 1975–2000. We also develop a trajectory classification scheme and compare composite snowfall totals, analyzed soundings, and synoptic fields among the different trajectory classes, with particular reference to those trajectories with a GLC.
2. Data and methodology
a. Snowfall data and event definition
Daily snowfall records for the period 1975–2000 served as the source of the daily snowfall data. We extracted these data from the National Climatic Data Center’s Cooperative Summary of the Day CD-ROM (NCDC 2002) for 121 cooperative observer (coop) stations in the southern Appalachian Mountains (Fig. 3). We defined a snowfall event as having occurred if at least one coop station in the region reported snow accumulation on a given date. To improve the temporal resolution of each event, we referenced hourly surface observation summaries from five nearby first-order stations (Fig. 3). From interpretation of these data, we were able to approximate the onset, maturation, and ending times as well as the duration of reported snowfall across the region. Assessment of the maturation time involved determining the hour in which the spatial extent of snowfall was greatest across the network of first-order stations. An event remained active if precipitation was reported during a 6-h period. When precipitation was no longer reported at any of the five first-order stations for more than 6 h, we defined the event as having ended at the hour precipitation was last reported.
Because of the large areal extent and significant topographic diversity within the southern Appalachians, the study area was divided into 14 snow regions to facilitate intraregional comparisons. Coop stations were grouped together into snow regions based on similarities in snowfall patterns, elevation, and topography (Fig. 4). In most cases these regions correspond to zone groupings that the National Weather Service (NWS) uses for forecast products. However, it is important to note that Snow Region 14 is not contiguous, but rather consists of all locations in the study area with elevations greater than 1220 m (4000 ft). These areas are largely limited to the mountains of eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina. Recent work (e.g., Perry 2006) has shown that higher-elevation stations (e.g., Mount Mitchell, North Carolina) average as much as 75 cm (1700%) more NWFS on an annual basis than nearby valley stations (e.g., Asheville, North Carolina), suggesting dramatic differences in snowfall climatologies. Pronounced differences are also evident between northwest and southeast slopes and between southern and northern areas, thereby necessitating a high degree of complexity in the number and delineation of snow regions. Mean and maximum event snowfall totals for those stations reporting snow were calculated for each snow region. Although useful for analyzing the general spatial patterns across the southern Appalachians, it is important to recognize that considerable variability of snowfall still occurs within snow regions.
b. Identification of NWFS events
We used gridded (2.5° × 2.5° latitude–longitude mesh), twice-daily synoptic fields that were extracted from CDs containing the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis dataset (Kalnay et al. 1996) to obtain the u and υ components of 850-hPa wind direction and vertical velocity ω. These fields were spatially interpolated to the center of each snowfall event. Using the 0000 and 1200 UTC gridded synoptic fields, we undertook a temporal interpolation to estimate field values during the event maturation time. We employed an inverse distance technique to carry out all spatial and temporal interpolations. Using these spatially and temporally interpolated data, we identified 432 NWFS events during this period on the basis of northwesterly (270°–360°) 850-hPa wind direction at maturation hour. The 850-hPa level, found at approximately 1450 m, is a good indication of the mean wind direction between 1000 and 2000 m, where much of the orographic enhancement in association with NWFS likely occurs.
We further narrowed this sample of 432 NWFS events by identifying only those events with 700-hPa synoptic-scale sinking motions (e.g., vertical velocity > 0) with durations between 2 and 3 days. Events with rising motions were eliminated because a portion of the precipitation may have been tied to synoptic features (e.g., approaching troughs), thus confounding the evaluation of the importance of air trajectories on snowfall totals. Exceptionally short and long events were also eliminated from the sample in order to control for the influences of event duration (i.e., exceptionally heavy snowfall totals resulting from an extended period of snowfall). We also excluded all events in the months of April and May because of the complicating effects of diurnal instability, which can result in locally intense snowshowers. The remaining 191 NWFS events served as the sample for the backward air-trajectory analysis.
c. Trajectory analysis
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) tool (information available online at http://www.arl.noaa.gov/ready/hysplit4.html) was utilized to calculate 72-h backward air trajectories for air parcels at 1450 m (4757 ft), or approximately the 850-hPa level. The HYSPLIT tool uses u and υ components of the horizontal wind, temperature, height, and pressure at different levels of the atmosphere to calculate the backward trajectories (Draxler and Hess 1998). We used the weighted spatial mean or centroid of each event and the event maturation time as the starting point and time for the backward air-trajectory analysis. Although finer-scaled data could be assessed using the HYSPLIT tool, NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data (2.5° × 2.5 latitude–longitude) were used because of their availability over the entire study period. As shown in Fig. 5, the trajectories computed from these data compared favorably to those calculated from higher-resolution final analysis (FNL; 191 km) and Eta Data Assimilation System (EDAS; 80 km) data.
A visual analysis of the computed trajectory allowed us to classify each 6-h segment by counting the number of segments contained within each quadrangle of our trajectory classification grid (Fig. 6). If the plotted air trajectory associated with each snowfall event resided in a respective quadrangle for the specified minimum number of hours (Table 2), we classified the trajectory according to the quadrangle number. The Great Lakes (grid 3) are roughly divided into the western lakes of Superior and Michigan and the eastern lakes of Huron and Erie in order to facilitate intraregional comparisons. The Lake Ontario region is not explicitly delineated in this study because of the relatively infrequent occurrence of north-northeasterly flow from this region. Because the western and eastern Great Lakes subregions (grids 3.1 and 3.2) are the same spatial dimensions, it is possible to directly compare the frequency, snowfall totals, and synoptic characteristics of air trajectories. The relatively course spatial resolution of the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data used to compute the backward air trajectories also supports using a more generalized classification grid, and not focusing on the precise land–water boundary.
The hourly latitude, longitude, and height (hPa) coordinates associated with each event backward air trajectory were used to develop composite trajectories for each region in the trajectory classification scheme. Additional composite trajectories were developed for T − 12 (12 h prior to event maturation) and T + 12 (12 h following event maturation). For each event with a GLC (≥6 h of the trajectory in trajectory grids 3.1 or 3.2), we consulted the Great Lakes Ice Atlas DVD (Assel 2003) and noted the percent ice cover for the western and eastern Great Lakes. Composite mean and maximum snowfall totals for GLC events in the top quartile of percent ice cover (≥25%) were compared with those events in the bottom three quartiles (<25%) to evaluate the importance of ice cover. Last, we used NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data (Kalnay et al. 1996) to develop composite plots of the 1000-hPa height for each trajectory class. For each group we calculated composite mean and maximum snowfall totals, composite backward air trajectories for each region, and also values of various synoptic fields. The purpose of this analysis was to determine if part of the enhanced snowfall could be associated with antecedent air trajectories across the lakes. For those events with a GLC, we compared snowfall totals between the North Carolina high country (region 8) and the Appalachian Plateau of West Virginia (region 13) to identify events in which snowfall may have been enhanced in one of these regions due to a GLC.
d. Sounding and synoptic fields
To provide details on vertical thermal and moisture profiles, an analysis of vertical soundings for Huntington, West Virginia (HTS) (Fig. 6), was undertaken. Unfortunately, upper-air data were only available through 1995 at this site, thereby limiting the sample to 155 of the original 191 events. These soundings provided much greater detail regarding the vertical profiles of temperature and moisture in association with NWFS events. We chose HTS because it was the closest sounding station upwind of the study area and therefore provides the best assessment of the vertical profiles during periods of northwest flow. Table 1 summarizes the sounding variables that were calculated. We defined the moist layer as that portion of the lower troposphere with mean relative humidity greater than 80%. The mean temperature of the moist layer was calculated by averaging the temperatures at the lower and upper heights of the moist layer. The presence or absence of moderately low temperatures (−14° to −17°C) in the moist layer was also noted as ice crystal growth is maximized in the dendritic range of −14° to −17°C (Ryan et al. 1976; Pruppacher and Klett 1997; Fukuta and Takahashi 1999); furthermore, heavy snowfall is often associated with moist-layer temperatures within the dendritic temperature range (Auer and White 1982). Additionally, forecasters at the Greer, South Carolina, NWS Office have found that heavy NWFS events are more likely to occur in the North Carolina mountains when moist-layer temperatures coincide with the dendritic temperature range (Lee 2005). Values for relative humidity, temperature, and height were taken from the University of Wyoming archived text soundings (online at http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html).
Table 1 lists 15 synoptic fields extracted from the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis dataset that will be incorporated into the analysis. Recent work (Perry and Konrad 2004) suggests that many of these synoptic fields are tied to heavy NWFS in the southern Appalachians and, thus, may be tied to certain air trajectories. In particular, high values of relative humidity in the lower troposphere are critical, as are lower heights from 1000 to 500 hPa. Modest, as opposed to strong, cold advection also appears to be tied to heavy NWFS. The substantial pressure rises and subsidence associated with strong cold advection may work to counteract available low-level lift and decrease snowfall totals. Upper-level divergence has also been linked to heavier NWFS (Perry and Konrad 2004). Differential cyclonic vorticity advection below 500 hPa is known to help raise the height of the capping inversion in situations of lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes (Niziol 1989; Lackmann 2001), and a vorticity maximum also may play a role in creating an environment more conducive for heavy NWFS in the southern Appalachians. The sounding and synoptic fields together provide a comprehensive assessment of the vertical and synoptic environments associated with different air trajectories.
3. Results and discussion
a. Trajectory classification
Table 2 summarizes the results of the trajectory classification. The most common air trajectory associated with NWFS in the southern Appalachians is trajectory class 3.1 (30.9%), followed closely by class 2 (26.7%). Interestingly, almost half (47.1%) of the 191 NWFS events analyzed in this study exhibit a GLC (trajectory class 3) and approximately three-quarters (73.8%) of the events display a northwesterly trajectory (trajectory classes 2 or 3). Besides subclasses 3.2 and 3.3 of trajectory class 3, the most infrequent trajectories are trajectory classes 1 and 4, which are characterized by a more westerly trajectory, as opposed to northwesterly, at event maturation. The remaining events did not meet any of the trajectory classification requirements and were therefore grouped together in trajectory class 5. The temporal pattern of trajectory classes by month (Fig. 7) indicates significant variability within and among the classes. Most of the trajectory class 1 events were observed during the coldest months of the winter (i.e., December, January, and February), when westerly trajectories are associated with air sufficiently cold for snowfall to occur. Trajectory class 3.1, on the other hand, displayed a relatively equal monthly distribution, as the other trajectory classes were largely limited to the months of December, January, February, and March. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of events in the month of November were associated with GLC trajectories. The lake–air temperature contrast, which is greatest in the late autumn and early winter when the sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized (Niziol et al. 1995), may contribute somewhat to the observed monthly patterns for trajectory class 3.1. The very low number of February events for trajectory class 2 is noteworthy, as is the spike of events for trajectory class 3.3 in the same month. Both of these anomalies likely result from small sample sizes rather than monthly variations in the synoptic environment.
b. Composite trajectory plots
Northwesterly trajectories, or trajectory classes 2 and 3, will be discussed first, followed by the more westerly trajectories of trajectory classes 1 and 4. Composite trajectory plots (Fig. 8) for trajectory class 2 show a backward air trajectory that extends to the northwest, but well to the west of the western Great Lakes. Subsidence is noted in the vicinity of the Ohio River Valley, with the air parcels descending from 800 hPa to slightly below 850 hPa, before ascending slightly as a result of orographic forcing. Trajectory class 3.1 is very similar to class 2, but in this case part of the trajectory at event maturation (T0) and T + 12 crosses the extreme southern portion of Lake Michigan. Subsidence is also evident from 800 to 850 hPa over the 72-h period, although it is not quite as abrupt in the vicinity of the Ohio Valley as with class 2. Air parcels in association with trajectory class 3.2 spend a considerable amount of time in the vicinity of the Great Lakes, with the backward air trajectory centered over the eastern Great Lakes at T0. Air parcels are also near the surface for an extended period of time, with modest lift occurring as a result of the topography. A veering of the trajectory to a more northerly component is evident between T − 12 and T0 for all three composite trajectories, with less consistency noted between T0 and T + 12, particularly in trajectory class 3.2, where backing is noted. The position of the composite cyclone is related to the orientation of the air trajectories (Fig. 8). Cyclones positioned farther south (e.g., off the mid-Atlantic coast) favor a more northerly low-level airflow with a GLC while cyclones positioned farther north off the New England coast favor a more westerly trajectory that is positioned west of the Great Lakes.
Trajectory class 1 (Fig. 9) extends west from the study area in association with strong subsidence and backing of winds as air parcels descend from 650 to 850 hPa over the 72-h period. The composite 1000-hPa height field reveals a strong anticyclone located to the west, with a departing surface cyclone to the east. Several of the 72-h backward air trajectories extend as far west as the Pacific Ocean, suggesting that moisture for many of these events may be of Pacific origin. A veering of the flow from southwest to northwest is evident from the temporal trajectory analysis, consistent with the temporal pattern for trajectory class 2. Trajectory class 4 (Fig. 9) occurs in situations of weak southwest flow at T − 12 that becomes northwest near event maturation, and then increases and becomes a more northwesterly trajectory as the event approaches T + 12. The vertical trajectory plot clearly shows that air parcels are lifted from the surface in this case, which stands in contrast to the pronounced subsidence evident in trajectory class 2. The composite 1000-hPa height pattern indicates a cyclone to the east and southeast off the North Carolina–South Carolina coast, which is evidently far enough away to preclude synoptic-scale lift, but close enough to result in northwest flow at 850 hPa. It is important to recognize that the more westerly trajectories characterized by classes 1 and 4 are infrequent, together representing just 16.3% of the sample.
c. Composite snowfall totals
Snowfall totals exhibit substantial variability among the different trajectory classes and across the study area (Fig. 10). The high country (region 8), central and northern plateau (regions 12 and 13, respectively), and highest elevations (region 14) received the greatest amounts of snowfall across the different trajectories. The lower-elevation regions, and particularly those on the leeward slopes [southern, central, and northern foothills (regions 3, 9, and 11, respectively)], received no measurable snowfall across most of the trajectories. These results are consistent with the climatology of orographic precipitation and those reported by Perry and Konrad (2006), in which the greatest snowfall totals for NWFS events occur along the windward slopes and at higher elevations. The lowest composite mean snowfall totals are found in association with trajectory classes 1 and 2 across all snow regions, whereas the highest snowfall totals generally are found with trajectory classes 3.2, 4, and, in some cases, 5. The low composite snowfall totals in association with trajectory class 1, in particular, may be tied to the strong subsidence along a westerly trajectory. Trajectory class 4 stands out as producing the highest snowfall totals across all but one of the snow regions, suggesting the presence of more abundant moisture and/or higher relative humidity.
The southern, central, and northern foothills (regions 3, 9, and 11, respectively) exhibit the lowest composite mean snowfall totals across most of the trajectory classes, although the totals are substantially higher for trajectory classes 4 and 5. These results should be viewed with caution, however, as synoptic-scale lift in association with a coastal low and broad upper trough apparently extended just far enough to the west to bring significant snowfall to these areas in a small number of events (3 out of the 16 in the sample). Interestingly, some of the lowest composite mean snowfall totals across the different trajectory classes are also found in the New River Valley of southwestern Virginia (region 10). Even though the mean elevation is relatively high (686 m), this snow region is heavily shadowed in periods of northwest flow by the higher terrain of the northern plateau (region 13) to the west and northwest. Therefore, it is rare for accumulating snowfall to occur in the absence of synoptic-scale ascent in periods of low-level northwest flow. A general latitudinal gradient in the composite mean snowfall, with the exception of the New River Valley (region 10), is evident across the different trajectory classes as northern snow regions at the same elevation and exposure display higher totals [e.g., southern plateau (region 6) versus central plateau (region 12)]. This latitudinal gradient likely continues northward to the central Appalachian Mountains of northern West Virginia, western Maryland, and Pennsylvania.
d. Composite sounding and synoptic fields
Results from the sounding analysis and the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data provide some additional insight into the observed snowfall patterns by trajectory class (Table 3). The lower snowfall totals observed in trajectory classes 1 and 2 in particular are associated with a “thinner” moist layer, lower values of relative humidity and moisture at 850 hPa, and higher values of cold advection. Previous work (e.g., Auer and White 1982) has demonstrated the importance of a deep moist layer in producing heavy orographic snowfall in the western United States. Perry and Konrad (2004) also found that the heavy NWFS events in the southern Appalachians were tied to higher values of lower-tropospheric relative humidity, so the results of this study are consistent with previous work. The higher values of 850-hPa cold advection for trajectory classes 1 and 2 also imply stronger subsidence and, therefore, a less favorable synoptic environment for snowfall in the lower troposphere. The 500-hPa vorticity, though still positive (cyclonic), is lower in trajectory classes 1 and 2, while the remaining trajectory classes are tied to higher absolute values of 500-hPa cyclonic vorticity.
Several of the sounding and synoptic variables in association with the higher snowfall totals of trajectory class 3.2 are quite distinctive from the other trajectory classes. Temperatures were in the dendritic temperature range for only approximately one-third (38%) of the events, and the mean temperature of the moist layer was also considerably greater than the other trajectory classes. In addition, the 850-hPa mixing ratio was exceptionally high (2.66 g kg−1), as were 500-hPa relative humidity, precipitable water, 1000–500-hPa mean relative humidity, and 850-hPa θe. The warmth of the moist layer is particularly striking, since previous work has demonstrated that ice crystal growth is most rapid and efficient in the dendritic temperature range (Ryan et al. 1976; Pruppacher and Klett 1997; Fukuta and Takahashi 1999); furthermore, Auer and White (1982) have tied heavy snowfall to moist-layer temperatures within the dendritic growth range. These results indicate that heavier NWFS can occur—albeit infrequently—with moist-layer temperatures outside of the dendritic growth range. However, a deep moist layer with exceptionally high values of lower-tropospheric moisture appears to be needed to make up for the reduced precipitation efficiency.
Trajectory class 4 is also associated with a considerably thicker moist layer, much higher values of humidity and moisture at 850 and 500 hPa, and lower values of cold advection when compared with the remaining trajectory classes. Interestingly, however, the 850-hPa wind speed for trajectory class 4 is more than 4 m s−1 below the speeds for the other classes. This reduction in 850-hPa wind speed is associated with a less pronounced pressure gradient, apparently due to a weaker surface anticyclone to the west (Fig. 9). The weak flow is evident in the composite trajectory plots (Fig. 8), with the 72-h backward trajectories extending only slightly west of the Mississippi River. In this trajectory class, which once again occurs relatively infrequently (n = 16, or 8.4% of the sample) compared with the others, abundant and deep low-level moisture is lifted orographically, resulting in heavier snowfall. Therefore, significant NWFS can also result across the region when high values of relative humidity and moisture throughout the lower troposphere are lifted, albeit weakly compared with other NWFS events.
e. Influence of the Great Lakes
Comparison of the northwesterly trajectories of class 2 (no GLC) with classes 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 (GLC) reveals that trajectories with a GLC are associated with higher composite mean and maximum snowfall totals across windward slopes and higher elevations of the study area, with the influence the greatest in the high country and northern plateau (regions 8 and 13, respectively) (Fig. 11). In both of these regions, the composite mean and maximum snowfall totals are significantly greater (p < 0.05) for events with a GLC, with the composite maximum snowfall 1.8–2.1 cm greater (150%–135%). Modest increases are noted in several of the other snow regions, particularly those with portions along the windward slopes. At the lower elevations and along the leeward slopes, very little if any snowfall occurs with either trajectory, highlighting the importance of topographic controls on the spatial patterns of snowfall for events with a northwesterly trajectory.
The increase in snowfall totals in portions of the study area is tied to higher values of moisture and humidity, particularly in the low levels (Table 4). The difference is most pronounced and statistically significant (p < 0.05) with the sounding variables of thickness of the moist layer and lapse rate above the moist layer. The synoptic variables of precipitable water, 850-hPa relative humidity, 1000–500-hPa mean relative humidity, and 850-hPa mixing ratio also display significant (p < 0.05) differences, suggesting a more moist and saturated lower troposphere for events with a GLC. Significant differences in 500-hPa relative vorticity are also evident. Events without a GLC typically are accompanied by lower values of cyclonic vorticity, whereas events with a GLC display higher values of cyclonic vorticity. In GLC events, a vorticity maximum at 500 hPa rotating through the base of the 500-hPa trough may help to raise the height of the low-level capping inversion, as suggested by Lackmann (2001) and Niziol (1989). Our sample, however, was restricted to events in which subsidence was observed at 700 hPa (i.e., no approaching troughs to provide synoptic-scale ascent). Interestingly, no significant differences in 700-hPa vertical velocity, 850-hPa temperature, or percent of events in the dendritic temperature range were noted.
The composite plots of 850-hPa relative humidity and 1000–500-hPa mean relative humidity for trajectory classes 2 and 3 (Fig. 12) further highlight the significant differences in lower-tropospheric relative humidity between the two trajectory classes. In both classes, the highest values of relative humidity are generally found to the northeast, but a distinct ridge of higher values extends southwest toward the Ohio Valley in association with trajectory class 3. The greatest mean differences between the two fields for both trajectory classes are located over western North and South Carolina, as higher values of lower-tropospheric relative humidity in these areas in particular are tied to trajectories with a GLC. These composite plots also show that lower-tropospheric relative humidity is higher across a large area downwind of the Great Lakes for trajectories with a GLC.
Interestingly, although higher values of lower-tropospheric moisture and humidity across the southern Appalachians occur in association with trajectory class 3, significant (at p < 0.05) increases in composite mean and maximum snowfall only occur in the high country and northern plateau (regions 8 and 13). The mean elevation in these two snow regions is considerably higher than the others, with the exception of the highest elevations (snow region 14 or areas >1220 m). Therefore, the increase in snowfall totals appears to be somewhat elevation dependent, suggesting the important role orographic processes play in extracting lower-tropospheric moisture. The greater regional topographic relief along the windward slopes of the high country and northern plateau translates into a longer period of orographic lifting. In addition, in a conditionally unstable lower troposphere, the orographic ascent along the windward higher-elevation slopes may provide sufficient forcing for convection to develop, further extracting lower-tropospheric moisture. Even though an increase in the composite mean and maximum snowfall totals is evident for events with a GLC in the highest elevations (region 14), it is not as great as that seen in the high country and northern plateau (regions 8 and 13, respectively). This may be related to the more efficient scavenging of low-level moisture at the highest elevations in trajectory class 2 (e.g., no GLC) when compared with stations at slightly lower elevations. No significant topographic features are present upwind of the study area in association with northwesterly trajectories, so it is safe to assume that upstream moisture robbing snow associated with topographic forcing is not connected to the differences in snowfall totals.
Additional findings related to the influence of the Great Lakes indicate that no significant difference (p < 0.05) exists in the composite mean and maximum snowfall totals between events with percent ice cover in the top quartile (≥25%) and those in the bottom three quartiles (<25%). This finding may be explained by the very small number of events with a GLC in which the percent ice cover was greater than 75% (n = 3 or 3.3%) or even 50% (n = 10 or 11.1%). In these cases, much of the ice cover existed on Lake Superior and the northern portions of Lake Michigan, leading to only a small effect on the sensible and latent heat fluxes for trajectories crossing the southern end of Lake Michigan. Although extensive ice cover greater than 75% greatly limits the sensible and latent heat fluxes, the small sample size (n = 3) limits our ability to draw definitive conclusions.
f. Comparative air trajectories
The spatial patterns of snowfall across the southern Appalachians in association with different trajectories are best illustrated by comparing air trajectories for two samples of events: (a) ones in which the highest totals occurred in the high country (region 8) and (b) ones in which the highest totals occurred in the northern plateau (region 13). These regions were chosen for comparative purposes because of the significant increase (p < 0.05) in the composite mean and maximum snowfall totals for events with a northwesterly trajectory and a GLC. When considerably more snow fell in the high country (top quartile of the snow region, 8:13 ratio), air trajectories for this region appeared to coincide approximately with the long axis of Lake Michigan (Fig. 13), whereas farther north, air trajectories were less favorable for lake interaction (e.g., across lower Michigan). Snowfall was observed along the windward slopes and higher elevations throughout the study area, with the greatest amounts centered over the high country. For events in which the highest totals occurred in the northern plateau (bottom quartile of the snow region, 8:13 ratio), air trajectories were most favorable for lake interaction in that respective snow region (Fig. 13). To the south, only trace amounts of snow fell in the higher elevations—with no snowfall occurring elsewhere—in association with air trajectories well west of the western Great Lakes.
Measures of lower-tropospheric relative humidity represent some of the most significant differences in synoptic fields between the bottom quartile and top quartile of the ratio of mean snowfall between the two snow regions (Table 5). These same fields also showed the greatest differences between trajectory class 2 (no GLC) and trajectory classes 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 (GLC), and are consistent with a moistening of the lower troposphere as a result of the latent heat fluxes from the lake surfaces. Air trajectories, however, certainly are not the only factor influencing the spatial patterns of snowfall in these cases, as indicated by the significant differences in 1000- and 500-hPa heights, 500-hPa vorticity, and 850-hPa thermal advection. In particular, NWFS events in the bottom quartile (e.g., no snow in the high country or region 8) of events with a GLC are tied to higher 500- and 1000-hPa heights, and lower values of 500-hPa vorticity. In these events, not only is the lower troposphere much drier, but the 500-hPa trough is displaced farther to the north. In addition, cold advection at 850 hPa is significantly greater, suggesting stronger subsidence in the lower troposphere. Therefore, the characteristics of the air mass being advected into the high country (region 8) are not conducive for snowfall development, and may be partly explained by an air trajectory that is less favorable for interaction with the southern portion of Lake Michigan.
4. Summary and conclusions
NWFS events occur frequently in the southern Appalachians during the period from late autumn through spring and contribute substantially to annual snowfall along windward slopes at higher elevations. Additionally, they are often tied to synoptic-scale subsidence and a relatively shallow moist layer present beneath a capping inversion below 700 hPa. Forcing is primarily of an orographic and convectional nature, thereby presenting a considerable forecast challenge. Previous work (e.g., Johnson 1987; Kocin and Ucellini 1990; Schmidlin 1992) has suggested that antecedent upstream air trajectories with a GLC may enhance snowfall in portions of the Appalachian Mountains, particularly immediately downwind of Lake Erie in the northern mountains of West Virginia. Therefore, this paper developed an antecedent trajectory classification scheme for a sample of 191 NWFS events during the period 1975–2000. Results of a detailed sounding analysis were paired with NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data to further describe the vertical profiles and synoptic characteristics associated with each trajectory class, with particular interest in the differences between non-GLC and GLC trajectory classes.
NWFS events in the southern Appalachians display considerable variability in 72-h backward air trajectories. In fact, over a quarter of the sample of NWFS events analyzed in this study do not exhibit northwesterly trajectories. The remaining events do exhibit northwesterly trajectories, with almost half (47.1%) of all NWFS events in the sample interacting with portions of the Great Lakes region for a minimum of 6 h during the analyzed 72-h backward air trajectories. Trajectories passing over the western Great Lakes of Superior and Michigan are most prevalent, with the southern section of Lake Michigan seeing the highest frequency. Trajectories with higher composite mean and maximum snowfall totals are characterized by air parcels lifted from near the surface in weak to moderate cold advection, a deep moist layer, and high values of 850-hPa relative humidity. In contrast, trajectories with lighter totals are tied more strongly to subsidence, stronger cold advection, a thinner moist layer, and considerably lower values of 850-hPa relative humidity.
Northwesterly trajectories with a GLC are also associated with higher values of moisture and humidity in the lower troposphere and enhanced snowfall totals along windward slopes and at higher elevations. This is particularly the case when comparisons are made between northwesterly trajectories, or when trajectory class 2 is compared with trajectory classes 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. An increase in the composite mean and maximum snowfall totals is evident across the southern Appalachians, with significant (p < 0.05) differences for the high country (region 8 or northwestern North Carolina) and northern plateau (region 13 or southeastern West Virginia). This increase in snowfall totals is also associated with higher values of lower-tropospheric moisture and relative humidity, suggesting that the Great Lakes may act to enhance snowfall totals by destabilizing and moistening the lower troposphere considerable distances downwind. The exact air trajectories in association with events that display a GLC also appear to influence the spatial patterns of snowfall across the southern Appalachians. In particular, the heaviest snowfall occurs in the high country when trajectories extend southeastward from the long axis of Lake Michigan into this respective snow region, whereas the heaviest snowfall shifts to the northern plateau when upstream antecedent trajectories with a Great Lakes interaction are limited to extreme northern portions of the study area.
Although this study has found that air trajectories with a GLC aid in enhancing snowfall totals under certain circumstances, it remains unclear how important air trajectory is in differentiating between light and heavy NWFS. In particular, further investigation is needed to evaluate the importance of duration of the air trajectory–lake interaction. The trajectory classification scheme presented in this study evaluated antecedent upstream air trajectories at event maturation, which is only a snapshot in time. Over the course of a 2–3-day NWFS event, a wide range of trajectories is evident, signifying that a trajectory without a GLC at the event maturation may develop one toward the end of the event (e.g., trajectory class 4 at T + 12). Additionally, the actual source of the low-level moisture associated with NWFS remains poorly understood. In some cases, moisture may be partly of Great Lakes origin. This study has focused solely on those NWFS events in which synoptic-scale subsidence was observed at event maturation, and we therefore intentionally excluded those NWFS events with synoptic-scale ascent. A question remains, therefore, as to the degree of enhancement, if any, that may occur in NWFS events with synoptic-scale ascent and a GLC. The relatively coarse (∼2.5°) spatial resolution of the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data used in the calculation of the synoptic fields may also be a limitation in the study, particularly in resolving moisture and instability plumes that may extend downwind of the individual Great Lakes and into the southern Appalachians.
Further research incorporating the higher-resolution North American Regional Reanalysis dataset might prove beneficial in resolving some of the mesoscale features associated with NWFS, such as the role of 500-hPa vorticity maxima in lifting the height of the low-level capping inversion. Additionally, case study analyses and high-resolution modeling of selected NWFS events could also provide valuable insight into the mesoscale orographic and convectional processes associated with NWFS events.
Peter Robinson, Tom Whitmore, Walt Martin, and Laurence Lee provided helpful guidance in the development of this study. Blair Holloway, Gary Lackmann, Kermit Keeter, Steve Keighton, and Michael Mayfield provided beneficial feedback on the preliminary results and suggestions for future research. Last, Jim Young offered valuable cartographic expertise.
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Sounding and synoptic variables calculated in this study.
Summary of backward air trajectory analysis.
Composite sounding and synoptic values for each trajectory class.
Composite sounding and synoptic field values for trajectory class 2 vs class 3.
Synoptic field values over the high country (region 8) for events with a GLC in the bottom vs top quartile of the mean snowfall ratio between the high country and northern plateau (region 13).