The Displacement of Base Station in Mobile Communication with Genetic Approach | EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | Full Text
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The Displacement of Base Station in Mobile Communication with Genetic Approach


This paper addresses the displacement of a base station with optimization approach. A genetic algorithm is used as optimization approach. A new representation that describes base station placement, transmitted power with real numbers, and new genetic operators is proposed and introduced. In addition, this new representation can describe the number of base stations. For the positioning of the base station, both coverage and economy efficiency factors were considered. Using the weighted objective function, it is possible to specify the location of the base station, the cell coverage, and its economy efficiency. The economy efficiency indicates a reduction in the number of base stations for cost effectiveness. To test the proposed algorithm, the proposed algorithm was applied to homogeneous traffic environment. Following this, the proposed algorithm was applied to an inhomogeneous traffic density environment in order to test it in actual conditions. The simulation results show that the algorithm enables the finding of a near optimal solution of base station placement, and it determines the efficient number of base stations. Moreover, it can offer a proper solution by adjusting the weighted objective function.

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Choi, Y.S., Kim, K.S. & Kim, N. The Displacement of Base Station in Mobile Communication with Genetic Approach. J Wireless Com Network 2008, 580761 (2008).

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