The spatial-temporal dynamics of surface crustal movements revealed from GPS data is compared with seismicity in the Bishkek geodynamic test area documented in the regional KNET catalog. The geological information system (GIS) GeoTaim 2.0 is substantially improved, which allowed variations in seismicity and deformation fields to be analyzed in the 3D raster. It is shown that seismicity and surface deformations are correlative in the test area. The periods with extreme values of contraction and the extension rates of the Earth’s surface areas are accompanied by enhanced seismicity and strong earthquakes. The increase in the spatial gradient of surface crustal movements coincides with changes in the azimuths of compression axes indicated by mechanisms of earthquakes that occurred at depths of up to 25 km. For a better geological—geophysical interpretation of interactions between deformation and seismicity fields in the Bishkek geodynamic test area, the spatial system GPS stations and measurement frequency need substantial improvement.
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Original Russian Text © G.A. Sobolev, N.A. Zakrzhevskaya, K.N. Akatova, V.G. Gitis, A.B. Derendyaev, V.D. Bragin, N.A. Sycheva, S.I. Kuzikov, 2010, published in Fizika Zemli, 2010, No. 10, pp. 15–37.
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Sobolev, G.A., Zakrzhevskaya, N.A., Akatova, K.N. et al. Dynamics of interaction between fields of seismicity and surface deformations (Bishkek geodynamic test area). Izv., Phys. Solid Earth 46, 817–838 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1069351310100034
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1069351310100034