Community Detection Algorithm based on Centrality and Node Closeness in Scale-Free Networks
Information and Media Technologies
Online ISSN : 1881-0896
ISSN-L : 1881-0896
Media (processing) and Interaction
Community Detection Algorithm based on Centrality and Node Closeness in Scale-Free Networks
Sorn JarukasemratanaTsuyoshi MurataXin Liu
Author information

2014 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 162-172

We present a method for detecting community structures based on centrality value and node closeness. Many real world networks possess a scale-free property. This property makes community detection difficult especially on the widely used algorithms that are based on modularity optimization. However, in our algorithm, communities are formed from hub nodes. Thus communities with scale-free property can be identified correctly. The method does not contain any random element, nor requires pre-determined number of communities. Our experiments showed that our algorithm is better than algorithms based on modularity optimization in both real world and computer generated scale-free datasets.
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© 2014 Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
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