An Efficient Depth-first Search Algorithm for Extracting Frequent Diamond Episodes from Event Sequences
Information and Media Technologies
Online ISSN : 1881-0896
ISSN-L : 1881-0896
An Efficient Depth-first Search Algorithm for Extracting Frequent Diamond Episodes from Event Sequences
Takashi KatohHiroki ArimuraKouichi Hirata
Author information

2010 Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 459-470

In this paper, we study the problem of mining frequent diamond episodes efficientlyfrom an input event sequence with sliding a window. Here, a diamond episode is of the form aEb, which means that every event of E follows an event a and is followed by an event b. Then, we design a polynomial-delay and polynomial-space algorithm PolyFreqDmd that finds all of the frequent diamond episodes without duplicates from an event sequence in O(|Σ|2l) time per an episode and in O(|Σ|+l) space, where Σ and l are an alphabet and the length of the event sequence, respectively. Finally, we give experimental results on artificial and real-world event sequences with varying several mining parameters to evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm.
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© 2010 by Information Processing Society of Japan
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