Evaluation Framework Design of Spoken Term Detection Study at the NTCIR-9 IR for Spoken Documents Task
Information and Media Technologies
Online ISSN : 1881-0896
ISSN-L : 1881-0896
Media (processing) and Interaction
Evaluation Framework Design of Spoken Term Detection Study at the NTCIR-9 IR for Spoken Documents Task
Hiromitsu NishizakiTomoyosi AkibaKiyoaki AikawaTatsuya KawaharaTomoko Matsui
Author information

2013 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 59-80

This paper describes a design of spoken term detection (STD) studies and their evaluating framework at the STD sub-task of the NTCIR-9 IR for Spoken Documents (SpokenDoc) task. STD is the one of information access technologies for spoken documents. The goal of the STD sub-task is to rapidly detect presence of a given query term, consisting of word or a few word sequences spoken, from the spoken documents included in the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese. To successfully complete the sub-task, we considered the design of the sub-task and the evaluation methods, and arranged the task schedule. Finally, seven teams participated in the STD subtask and submitted 18 STD results. This paper explains the STD sub-task details we conducted, the data used in the sub-task, how to make transcriptions by speech recognition for data distribution, the evaluation measurement, introduction of the participants' techniques, and the evaluation results of the task participants.
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© 2013 The Association for Natural Language Processing
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