Appearance analysis of human skin with cosmetic foundation
24 January 2012 Appearance analysis of human skin with cosmetic foundation
Rie Ohtsuki, Shoji Tominaga, Rie Hikima
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Proceedings Volume 8292, Color Imaging XVII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications; 82920Q (2012)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2012, Burlingame, California, United States
We describe a method of analyzing the appearance of cosmetic foundation applied to the human face. In particular, we focus on the "oily-shine" appearance, which is caused by sebum. A multi-band camera system with six spectral channels is used for the analysis of the oily-shine appearance. As a basic analysis, we examine the optical features of oily-shine by using two artificial skins looking like make-up skin with oily-shine and without oily-shine. We show that oily-shine can be defined as the standard dichromatic reflection model. On the basis of the above findings, we propose a method for detecting oily-shine area. This method involves (1) the extraction candidate areas, and (2) the evaluation of appearance with oily-shine. First, we capture the CIE XYZ tri-stimulus image of an original make-up face by using the multi-band camera and after a few hours later, capture the same face as a test facial image. Second, the candidate areas with oily-shine are extracted by applying the Laplacian operator to luminance Y component of the test facial image. Third, the principal component analysis is performed on the set of luminance and chromaticity (Y, x, y) of each candidate area. Light reflection of oil-shine is regarded as the specular component of the dichromatic reflection. Finally, we determine the existence of oily-shine by comparing specular clusters between the original image and the test image. The proposed method is tested in experiments with subjective assessment for various real make-up facial images.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rie Ohtsuki, Shoji Tominaga, and Rie Hikima "Appearance analysis of human skin with cosmetic foundation", Proc. SPIE 8292, Color Imaging XVII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, 82920Q (24 January 2012); Logo
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Imaging systems

Principal component analysis

Image analysis

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