Psychophysical study of LCD motion-blur perception
10 February 2009 Psychophysical study of LCD motion-blur perception
Sylvain Tourancheau, Patrick Le Callet, Kjell Brunnström, Börje Andrén
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Proceedings Volume 7240, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV; 724015 (2009)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2009, San Jose, California, United States
Motion-blur is still an important issue on liquid crystal displays (LCD). In the last years, efforts have been done in the characterization and the measurement of this artifact. These methods permit to picture the blurred profile of a moving edge, according to the scrolling speed and to the gray-to-gray transition considered. However, other aspects should be taken in account in order to understand the way LCD motion-blur is perceived. In the last years, a couple of works have adressed the problem of LCD motion-blur perception, but only few speeds and transitions have been tested. In this paper, we have explored motion-blur perception over 20 gray-to-gray transitions and several scrolling speeds. Moreover, we have used three different displays, to explore the influence of the luminance range as well as the blur shape on the motion-blur perception. A blur matching experiment has been set up to obtain the relation between objective measurements and perception. In this experiment, observers must adjust a stationary test blur (simulated from measurements) until it matches their perception of the blur occuring on a moving edge. Result shows that the adjusted perceived blur is always lower than the objective measured blur. This effect is greater for low contrast edges than for high contrast edges. This could be related to the motion sharpening phenomenon.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sylvain Tourancheau, Patrick Le Callet, Kjell Brunnström, and Börje Andrén "Psychophysical study of LCD motion-blur perception", Proc. SPIE 7240, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV, 724015 (10 February 2009); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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