A novel algorithm for polyp detection using Eigen decomposition of Hessian-matrix for CT colonography CAD: validation with physical phantom study
30 March 2007 A novel algorithm for polyp detection using Eigen decomposition of Hessian-matrix for CT colonography CAD: validation with physical phantom study
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Hessian matrix is the square matrix of second partial derivatives of a scalar-valued function and is well known for object recognition in computer vision and medical shape analysis. Previous curvature based polyp detection algorithms generate myriad of false positives. Hessian-matrix based method, however, is more sensitive to local shape features, so easily reduce false positives. Calculation of Hessian matrix on 3D CT data and Eigen decomposition of the matrix gives three Eigen values and vectors at each voxel. Using these Eigen values, we can figure out which type of intensity structures (blob, line, and sheet-like) is on the given voxel. We focus on detecting blob-like object automatically. In the inner colonic wall structures, blob-like, line-like, and sheet-like objects represent polyps, folds and wall, respectively. In addition, to improve the performance of the algorithm, Gaussian blurring factor and shape threshold parameters are optimized. Before Hessian matrix calculation, smoothing the given region using Gaussian kernel with small deviation is necessary to enhance local intensity structures. To optimize the parameters and validate this method, we have produced anthropomorphic pig phantoms. Fourteen phantoms with 103 polyps (16 polyps <6mm, 87 >= 6mm) were used. CT scan was performed with 1mm slice thickness. Our detection algorithm found 84 polyps (81.6%) correctly. Average number of false positives is 7.9 at each CT scan. This results show that our algorithm is clinically applicable for polyp detection, because of high sensitivity and relatively low false positive detections.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
June-Goo Lee, Se Hyung Kim, Jong Hyo Kim, Namkug Kim, Jin Young Choi, KwangGi Kim, and Jong-Mo Seo "A novel algorithm for polyp detection using Eigen decomposition of Hessian-matrix for CT colonography CAD: validation with physical phantom study", Proc. SPIE 6514, Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 65142K (30 March 2007); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.709175
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Detection and tracking algorithms

Computer aided design

Computer aided diagnosis and therapy

Computed tomography

Algorithm development

Virtual colonoscopy

Computer vision technology

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