Constructing and assessing brain templates from Chinese pediatric MRI data using SPM
29 April 2005 Constructing and assessing brain templates from Chinese pediatric MRI data using SPM
Qingjie Yin, Qing Ye, Li Yao, Kewei Chen, Zhen Jin, Gang Liu, Xingchun Wu, Tingting Wang
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Spatial normalization is a very important step in the processing of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. So the quality of brain templates is crucial for the accuracy of MRI analysis. In this paper, using the classical protocol and the optimized protocol plus nonlinear deformation, we constructed the T1 whole brain templates and apriori brain tissue data from 69 Chinese pediatric MRI data (age 7-16 years). Then we proposed a new assessment method to evaluate our templates. 10 pediatric subjects were chosen to do the assessment as the following steps. First, the cerebellum region, the region of interest (ROI), was located on both the pediatric volume and the template volume by an experienced neuroanatomist. Second, the pediatric whole brain was mapped to the template with affine and nonlinear deformation. Third, the parameter, derived from the second step, was used to only normalize the ROI of the child to the ROI of the template. Last, the overlapping ratio, which described the overlapping rate between the ROI of the template and the normalized ROI of the child, was calculated. The mean of overlapping ratio normalized to the classical template was 0.9687, and the mean normalized to the optimized template was 0.9713. The results show that the two Chinese pediatric brain templates are comparable and their accuracy is adequate to our studies.
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Qingjie Yin, Qing Ye, Li Yao, Kewei Chen, Zhen Jin, Gang Liu, Xingchun Wu, and Tingting Wang "Constructing and assessing brain templates from Chinese pediatric MRI data using SPM", Proc. SPIE 5747, Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, (29 April 2005);
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Image segmentation

Magnetic resonance imaging



Brain mapping


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