Toward automated bone fracture classification
3 July 2001 Toward automated bone fracture classification
Michael W. Funk, Essam A. El-Kwae, James F. Kellam
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A model is developed for the automated classification of bone fractures via image analysis techniques. The model is based on the widely used fracture classification system developed by the M.E. Mueller Foundation of Bern, Switzerland. The system describes a hierarchy of fractures, six layers deep. It also describes a series of questions to be asked about a given fracture, in which each question answered classifies the fracture into more descriptive subcategories. The model developed considers fracture classification as a tree traversal problem, in which the lower layers of the tree represent more precise categorizations. At each of the tree's nodes, algorithms specific to that subcategory determine which of the child nodes will be visited. Digital image processing techniques are most readily applicable to the largest number of nodes. Thus, the initial algorithms in this work are based on image processing techniques. The main contributions of this paper include a model for automated bone fracture classification and the algorithms for classification of a subset of long bone fractures. This work aims to provide a solid model and initial results that will serve as the basis for further research into this challenging and potentially rewarding field.
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Michael W. Funk, Essam A. El-Kwae, and James F. Kellam "Toward automated bone fracture classification", Proc. SPIE 4322, Medical Imaging 2001: Image Processing, (3 July 2001); Logo
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Image segmentation


Classification systems

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Medical imaging

Image processing algorithms and systems

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