CT-directed robotic biopsy testbed: motivation and concept
28 May 2001 CT-directed robotic biopsy testbed: motivation and concept
Kevin Robert Cleary, Dan S. Stoianovici, Neil D.W. Glossop, Kevin A. Gary, Sumiyo Onda, Richard Cody, David Lindisch, Alexandru Stanimir, Dumitru Mazilu, Alexandru Patriciu, Vance Watson, Elliot Levy M.D.
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As a demonstration platform, we are developing a robotic biopsy testbed incorporating a mobile CT scanner, a small needle driver robot, and an optical localizer. This testbed will be used to compare robotically assisted biopsy to the current manual technique, and allow us to investigate software architectures for integrating multiple medical devices. This is a collaboration between engineers and physicians from three universities and a commercial vendor. In this paper we describe the CT-directed biopsy technique, review some other biopsy systems including passive and semi- autonomous devices, describe our testbed components, and present our software architecture. This testbed is a first step in developing the image-guided, robotically assisted, physician directed, biopsy systems of the future.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kevin Robert Cleary, Dan S. Stoianovici, Neil D.W. Glossop, Kevin A. Gary, Sumiyo Onda, Richard Cody, David Lindisch, Alexandru Stanimir, Dumitru Mazilu, Alexandru Patriciu, Vance Watson, and Elliot Levy M.D. "CT-directed robotic biopsy testbed: motivation and concept", Proc. SPIE 4319, Medical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-Guided Procedures, (28 May 2001); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.428059
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