Programmable video interface card
22 July 1997 Programmable video interface card
Howard J. Wanke, Richard E. Brown, Wing C. Lee, Gillian K. Groves
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As the industry moves towards open architecture standards, current image processing systems need to exploit the high computing throughput of commercially available parallel processing architectures in order to implement increasingly complex algorithms and systems. Adapting the inputs from a variety of visible and IR sensors to the unique requirements of multi-processing systems is essential for development of high performance real-time image processing systems. This paper describes the architecture of the Hughes Video Input Card (VIC) which provides a programmable hardware interface between imaging sensors and a high-speed parallel processor interconnect bus. In addition to providing the sensor electrical interface, the VIC supports important video processing functions by pre-conditioning the video data by the sensor electrical interface, the VIC supports important video processing functions by pre-conditioning the video data by image windowing, flowing point data conversion, and pixel decimation. These programmable features, combined with the image windowing, flowing point data conversion, and pixel decimation. These programmable features, combined with the VIC's interface to the high-speed RACEway, far exceed the capabilities of any front panel data port input.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Howard J. Wanke, Richard E. Brown, Wing C. Lee, and Gillian K. Groves "Programmable video interface card", Proc. SPIE 3074, Visual Information Processing VI, (22 July 1997);
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Video processing


Signal processing

Data conversion

Image processing

Video acceleration

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