Contrast phase classification with a generative adversarial network
Presentation + Paper
10 March 2020 Contrast phase classification with a generative adversarial network
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Dynamic contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT) is an imaging technique that provides critical information on the relationship of vascular structure and dynamics in the context of underlying anatomy. A key challenge for image processing with contrast enhanced CT is that phase discrepancies are latent in different tissues due to contrast protocols, vascular dynamics, and metabolism variance. Previous studies with deep learning frameworks have been proposed for classifying contrast enhancement with networks inspired by computer vision. Here, we revisit the challenge in the context of whole abdomen contrast enhanced CTs. To capture and compensate for the complex contrast changes, we propose a novel discriminator in the form of a multi-domain disentangled representation learning network. The goal of this network is to learn an intermediate representation that separates contrast enhancement from anatomy and enables classification of images with varying contrast time. Briefly, our unpaired contrast disentangling GAN(CD-GAN) Discriminator follows the ResNet architecture to classify a CT scan from different enhancement phases. To evaluate the approach, we trained the enhancement phase classifier on 21060 slices from two clinical cohorts of 230 subjects. The scans were manually labeled with three independent enhancement phases (non-contrast, portal venous and delayed). Testing was performed on 9100 slices from 30 independent subjects who had been imaged with CT scans from all contrast phases. Performance was quantified in terms of the multi-class normalized confusion matrix. The proposed network significantly improved correspondence over baseline UNet, ResNet50 and StarGAN’s performance of accuracy scores 0.54. 0.55, 0.62 and 0.91, respectively (p-value<0.0001 paired t-test for ResNet versus CD-GAN). The proposed discriminator from the disentangled network presents a promising technique that may allow deeper modeling of dynamic imaging against patient specific anatomies.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yucheng Tang, Ho Hin Lee, Yuchen Xu, Olivia Tang, Yunqiang Chen, Dashan Gao, Shizhong Han, Riqiang Gao, Camilo Bermudez, Michael R. Savona, Richard G. Abramson, Yuankai Huo, and Bennett A. Landman "Contrast phase classification with a generative adversarial network", Proc. SPIE 11313, Medical Imaging 2020: Image Processing, 1131310 (10 March 2020);
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Image classification

Computed tomography

Gallium nitride

Image enhancement

Image contrast enhancement


Computer programming

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