Automated pulmonary lobar ventilation measurements using volume-matched thoracic CT and MRI
17 March 2015 Automated pulmonary lobar ventilation measurements using volume-matched thoracic CT and MRI
F. Guo, S. Svenningsen, E. Bluemke, Martin Rajchl, Jing Yuan, Aaron Fenster, Grace Parraga
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Objectives: To develop and evaluate an automated registration and segmentation pipeline for regional lobar pulmonary structure-function measurements, using volume-matched thoracic CT and MRI in order to guide therapy. Methods: Ten subjects underwent pulmonary function tests and volume-matched 1H and 3He MRI and thoracic CT during a single 2-hr visit. CT was registered to 1H MRI using an affine method that incorporated block-matching and this was followed by a deformable step using free-form deformation. The resultant deformation field was used to deform the associated CT lobe mask that was generated using commercial software. 3He-1H image registration used the same two-step registration method and 3He ventilation was segmented using hierarchical k-means clustering. Whole lung and lobar 3He ventilation and ventilation defect percent (VDP) were generated by mapping ventilation defects to CT-defined whole lung and lobe volumes. Target CT-3He registration accuracy was evaluated using region- , surface distance- and volume-based metrics. Automated whole lung and lobar VDP was compared with semi-automated and manual results using paired t-tests. Results: The proposed pipeline yielded regional spatial agreement of 88.0±0.9% and surface distance error of 3.9±0.5 mm. Automated and manual whole lung and lobar ventilation and VDP were not significantly different and they were significantly correlated (r = 0.77, p < 0.0001). Conclusion: The proposed automated pipeline can be used to generate regional pulmonary structural-functional maps with high accuracy and robustness, providing an important tool for image-guided pulmonary interventions.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
F. Guo, S. Svenningsen, E. Bluemke, Martin Rajchl, Jing Yuan, Aaron Fenster, and Grace Parraga "Automated pulmonary lobar ventilation measurements using volume-matched thoracic CT and MRI", Proc. SPIE 9417, Medical Imaging 2015: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 941717 (17 March 2015); Logo
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Magnetic resonance imaging


Image registration

Computed tomography

Image segmentation

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Image acquisition

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