Automated discovery of structural features of the optic nerve head on the basis of image and genetic data
20 March 2014 Automated discovery of structural features of the optic nerve head on the basis of image and genetic data
Mark Christopher, Li Tang, John H. Fingert, Todd E. Scheetz, Michael D. Abramoff
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Evaluation of optic nerve head (ONH) structure is a commonly used clinical technique for both diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. Glaucoma is associated with characteristic changes in the structure of the ONH. We present a method for computationally identifying ONH structural features using both imaging and genetic data from a large cohort of participants at risk for primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Using 1054 participants from the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study, ONH structure was measured by application of a stereo correspondence algorithm to stereo fundus images. In addition, the genotypes of several known POAG genetic risk factors were considered for each participant. ONH structural features were discovered using both a principal component analysis approach to identify the major modes of variance within structural measurements and a linear discriminant analysis approach to capture the relationship between genetic risk factors and ONH structure. The identified ONH structural features were evaluated based on the strength of their associations with genotype and development of POAG by the end of the OHTS study. ONH structural features with strong associations with genotype were identified for each of the genetic loci considered. Several identified ONH structural features were significantly associated (p < 0.05) with the development of POAG after Bonferroni correction. Further, incorporation of genetic risk status was found to substantially increase performance of early POAG prediction. These results suggest incorporating both imaging and genetic data into ONH structural modeling significantly improves the ability to explain POAG-related changes to ONH structure.
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Mark Christopher, Li Tang, John H. Fingert, Todd E. Scheetz, and Michael D. Abramoff "Automated discovery of structural features of the optic nerve head on the basis of image and genetic data", Proc. SPIE 9035, Medical Imaging 2014: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 90350S (20 March 2014); Logo
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Principal component analysis


Optic nerve

Data modeling

3D image processing



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