Minimum image quality assessment based on saliency maps: a human visual approach
4 February 2013 Minimum image quality assessment based on saliency maps: a human visual approach
João Barreira, Maximino Bessa, Luís Magalhães
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Proceedings Volume 8653, Image Quality and System Performance X; 86530T (2013)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2013, Burlingame, California, United States
Image quality assessment as perceived by humans is of crucial importance in numerous fields of image processing. Transmission and storage of digital media require efficient methods to reduce the large number of bits to store an image, while maintaining sufficiently high quality compared to the original image. Since subjective evaluations cannot be performed in various scenarios, it is necessary to have objective metrics that predict image quality consistent with human perception. However, objective metrics that considers high levels of the human visual system are still limited. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of automatically predict, based on saliency maps, the minimum image quality threshold from which humans can perceive the elements on a compressed image. We conducted a series of experimental subjective tests where human observers have been exposed to compressed images with decreasing compression rates. To measure the difference between the saliency maps of the compressed and the original image it was used the normalized absolute error metric. Our results indicate that the elements on the image are only perceived by most of the human subjects not at a specific compressed image quality level, but depending on a saliency map difference threshold.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
João Barreira, Maximino Bessa, and Luís Magalhães "Minimum image quality assessment based on saliency maps: a human visual approach", Proc. SPIE 8653, Image Quality and System Performance X, 86530T (4 February 2013);
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Image quality

Image compression


Image processing

Visual process modeling

Human subjects



Fractal image compression using human visual system
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Perceptually relevant image fidelity
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Image quality assessment in multimedia applications
Proceedings of SPIE (January 19 2009)
Rate-Distortion Coding Simulation For Color Images
Proceedings of SPIE (December 13 1976)

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