Score level fusion scheme based on adaptive local Gabor features for face-iris-fingerprint multimodal biometric
27 June 2014 Score level fusion scheme based on adaptive local Gabor features for face-iris-fingerprint multimodal biometric
Fei He, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Chun Huang, Ye Han, Ying Chen
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A multimodal biometric system has been considered a promising technique to overcome the defects of unimodal biometric systems. We have introduced a fusion scheme to gain a better understanding and fusion method for a face-iris-fingerprint multimodal biometric system. In our case, we use particle swarm optimization to train a set of adaptive Gabor filters in order to achieve the proper Gabor basic functions for each modality. For a closer analysis of texture information, two different local Gabor features for each modality are produced by the corresponding Gabor coefficients. Next, all matching scores of the two Gabor features for each modality are projected to a single-scalar score via a trained, supported, vector regression model for a final decision. A large-scale dataset is formed to validate the proposed scheme using the Facial Recognition Technology database-fafb and CASIA-V3-Interval together with FVC2004-DB2a datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that as well as achieving further powerful local Gabor features of multimodalities and obtaining better recognition performance by their fusion strategy, our architecture also outperforms some state-of-the-art individual methods and other fusion approaches for face-iris-fingerprint multimodal biometric systems.
© 2014 SPIE and IS&T 0091-3286/2014/$25.00 © 2014 SPIE and IS&T
Fei He, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Chun Huang, Ye Han, and Ying Chen "Score level fusion scheme based on adaptive local Gabor features for face-iris-fingerprint multimodal biometric," Journal of Electronic Imaging 23(3), 033019 (27 June 2014).
Published: 27 June 2014 Logo
Cited by 16 scholarly publications.
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Iris recognition

Fusion energy

Optimal filtering

Image fusion

Multimodal biometric systems

Particle swarm optimization

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