oHMint: An Online Mathematics Course and Learning Platform for MINT Students

Simulation Notes Europe, Volume 29(3), September 2019

oHMint: An Online Mathematics Course and Learning Platform for MINT Students

Simulation Notes Europe SNE 29(3), 2019, 133-136
DOI: 10.11128/sne.29.en.10484


The oHMint project is an initiative with the goal of providing an online course and learning platform for STEM students of higher mathematics. Its flexible design allows it to be used for self-study as well as blended learning scenarios including flipped classrooms. In a pilot project in 2017/18 the chapter Differential Calculus is being produced as a prototype of an oHMint unit. This pilot is organized and funded through the Hamburg Open Online University, with technical support and implementation by integral-learning GmbH. It is intended as a catalyst for the future development of the full oHMint course spanning four semesters. A unique characteristic of oHMint is its broad supporting base among a variety of German institutions in the form of the OMB+ consortium.