Supporting newly‐appointed judges: a legal knowledge management case study | Emerald Insight

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Supporting newly‐appointed judges: a legal knowledge management case study

Pompeu Casanovas (Professor, at Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.)
Marta Poblet (Researcher at Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.)
Núria Casellas (Assistant Lecturer, at Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.)
Jesus Contreras (Innovation Department, Intelligent Software Components SA, Madrid, Spain.)
V. Richard Benjamins (Director of Research & Development and a board member, with Intelligent Software Components SA, Madrid, Spain.)
Mercedes Blazquez (Researcher, with Intelligent Software Components SA, Madrid, Spain.)

Journal of Knowledge Management

ISSN: 1367-3270

Article publication date: 1 October 2005




In this paper we describe the process of developing and implementing a knowledge management system for the Spanish judicial domain. Spanish judges, especially newly‐recruited ones, hold a solid background of theoretical legal knowledge, but are much less familiar with the judicial knowledge of the more senior judges acquired from everyday practice and case resolution. The aim of this development is to capture and model these two aspects of judicial knowledge – theoretical and practical – for knowledge browsing and retrieving.


Semantic web technologies are applied to feed a question‐answering system based on ontologies of professional legal knowledge (OPLK).


There is a kind of specific legal knowledge, which belongs properly to the expert domain, not being captured by current legal core ontologies, i.e. Judges require clues, hints or well‐grounded practical guidelines that refer to the problem they have before them when they put a question or start the query. A scalable and useful frequently‐asked questions system should have a simple, natural language interface, work in a real time environment, and the questions included in the system should be of high quality and reflect the current situation.


The final system will enable the users to ask queries in natural language and obtain answers, which are supported by legal documents stored in specialized legal databases. Special care is taken regarding usability issues, in order to ensure the highest user satisfaction.



Casanovas, P., Poblet, M., Casellas, N., Contreras, J., Benjamins, V.R. and Blazquez, M. (2005), "Supporting newly‐appointed judges: a legal knowledge management case study", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 7-27.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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