A system to generate electronic books on programming exercises
Electronic books offer a number of possibilities for innovation over paper books in certain fields. It is the case of programming exercises, which have a complex but well‐established structure. We describe a system for the development of electronic books on programming exercises. A mark‐up language, called eXercita, was designed to represent and manage programming exercises in a comprehensive manner. Several tools allow customizing exercises to the user’s purposes, as well as selecting parts of individual exercises and subsets of the repository. As a consequence, the user can generate a custom electronic book, presented as a hierarchical Web site and implemented structured according to a given specified criterion. Based on the eXercita language, we have developed a large repository of exercises, as well as two books: an electronic book on the Web and a paper book containing a set of selected exercises.
Gregorio‐Rodríguez, C., Llana‐Díaz, L.F., Pareja‐Flores, C., Martínez‐Unanue, R., Velázquez‐Iturbide, J.Á. and Palao‐Gostanza, P. (2002), "A system to generate electronic books on programming exercises", The Electronic Library, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 314-321. https://doi.org/10.1108/02640470210438900
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