Review article

The recovery of walking in stroke patients: a review

Jang, Sung Ho

Author Information
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 33(4):p 285-289, December 2010. | DOI: 10.1097/MRR.0b013e32833f0500


We reviewed the literature on walking recovery of stroke patients as it relates to the following subjects: epidemiology of walking dysfunction, recovery course of walking, and recovery mechanism of walking (neural control of normal walking, the evaluation methods for leg motor function, and motor recovery mechanism of leg). The recovery of walking is one of the primary goals in stroke patients, along with the recovery of hand function and cognition. Walking function has greater potential for recovery than hand function because motor function of the leg is less dependent on the lateral corticospinal tract than that of hand function. This suggests that detailed knowledge of walking can be used to increase the likelihood that stroke patients recover their ability to walk. Therefore, we suggest that further research should focus on these topics, especially, on the neural control mechanism of walking and motor recovery mechanisms of the leg in stroke patients.

© 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

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