Research Articles


Tanaka, Shoichi2; Hachisuka, Kenji; Ogata, Hajime

Author Information
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 76(5):p 366-369, September 1997.


This study was undertaken to determine whether the direction of trunk rotation would have any effect on trunk muscle performance of post-stroke hemiplegic patients. The design consisted of a nonrandomized control trial in a setting of secondary care (rehabilitation unit at hospital facility). The subjects included 65 hemiplegic patients (50 males) and age-matched 80 healthy controls (38 females). Isokinetic trunk rotatory muscle performance at angular velocities of 60, 120, and 150° per second was measured by using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex Torso Rotation Unit). There were no significant differences in the peak torque and best work between the right and left directions of the trunk rotation in the hemiplegic patients or in healthy controls, regardless of the gender of the subjects (pairedt test, P>0.05). The muscle performance of the hemiplegic patients was significantly lower than that of the controls for both genders (t test,P<0.05). In the hemiplegic patients, the direction of trunk rotation does not affect the trunk rotatory muscle performance, although the performance itself was slightly decreased.

© Williams & Wilkins 1997. All Rights Reserved.

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