Publication IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and SystemsVol.E89-DNo.3pp.1299-1302 Publication Date: 2006/03/01 Online ISSN: 1745-1361 DOI: 10.1093/ietisy/e89-d.3.1299 Print ISSN: 0916-8532 Type of Manuscript: LETTER Category: Image Processing and Video Processing Keyword: image segmentation, real-time image processing, parallel processing, LSI implementation,
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Summary: This letter presents a boundary-active-only (BAO) power reduction technique for cell-network-based region-growing video segmentation. The key approach is an adaptive situation-dependent power switching of each network cell, namely only cells at the boundary of currently grown regions are activated, and all the other cells are kept in low-power stand-by mode. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is experimentally confirmed with CMOS test-chips having small-scale cell networks of up to 4133 cells, where an average of only 1.7% of the cells remains active after application of the proposed approach. About 85% power reduction is thus achievable without sacrificing real-time processing.