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Groups and Computation II
About this Title
Larry A Finkelstein, Northeastern University, Boston, MA and William M. Kantor, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Editors
Publication: DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Publication Year:
1997; Volume 28
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-0516-9 (print); 978-1-4704-3986-6 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1444126
MSC: Primary 20-06; Secondary 68-06
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- Randomization in group algorithms: Conceptual questions
- Experimenting and computing with infinite groups
- Towards polynomial time algorithms for matrix groups
- Calculating the order of an invertible matrix
- A non-constructive recognition algorithm for the special linear and other classical groups
- GAP/MPI: Facilitating parallelism
- Constructive recognition of a black box group isomorphic to $GL(n,2)$
- Special presentations for finite soluble groups and computing (pre-)Frattini subgroups
- Algorithms for group actions applied to graph generation
- Partitions, refinements, and permutation group computation
- A polycyclic quotient algorithm
- Computing the fitting subgroup and solvable radical of small-base permutation groups in nearly linear time
- Generalized FFTs–A survey of some recent results
- The complexity of McKay’s canonical labeling algorithm
- On nearly linear time algorithms for Sylow subgroups of small-base permutation groups
- Implementing a recognition algorithm for classical groups
- Algorithms for polycyclic-by-finite matrix groups
- Asymptotic results for simple groups and some applications
- Some applications of generalized FFTs
- Constructing permutation representations for matrix groups in parallel environments