AtomAI framework for deep learning analysis of image and spectroscopy data in electron and scanning probe microscopy | Nature Machine Intelligence
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AtomAI framework for deep learning analysis of image and spectroscopy data in electron and scanning probe microscopy

A preprint version of the article is available at arXiv.


Over the past several decades, electron and scanning probe microscopes have become critical components of condensed matter physics, materials science and chemistry research. At the same time, the infrastructure for establishing a connection between microscopy observations and materials behaviour over a broader parameter space is lacking. Here we introduce AtomAI, an open-source software package bridging instrument-specific Python libraries, deep learning and simulation tools into a single ecosystem. AtomAI allows direct applications of deep neural networks for atomic and mesoscopic image segmentation converting image and spectroscopy data into class-based local descriptors for downstream tasks such as statistical and graph analysis. For atomically resolved imaging data, the output is types and positions of atomic species, with an option for subsequent refinement. AtomAI further allows the implementation of a broad range of image and spectrum analysis functions, including invariant variational autoencoders for disentangling structural factors of variation and im2spec type of encoder–decoder models for mapping structure–property relationships. Finally, our framework allows seamless connection to the first principles modelling with a Python interface on the inferred atomic positions.

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Fig. 1: AtomAI is a flexible and user-friendly package for deep-learning-based image analytics.
Fig. 2: Schematic illustration of a typical AtomAI workflow.
Fig. 3: AtomAI’s Segmentor.
Fig. 4: AtomAI’s ImSpec and VAE models.
Fig. 5
Fig. 6: AtomAI’s additional utilities.

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Data availability

All data pertinent to this manuscript can be accessed online at or (ref. 135).

Code availability

The source code and example notebooks are available or at (ref. 135).


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This effort was performed and partially supported (M.Z.) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS), a US Department of Energy, Office of Science User Facility, and by US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at DOE Scientific User Facilities programme under the Digital Twin Project (award number 34532) (A.G.) and MLExchange Project (award number 107514) (C.Y.W. and S.V.K.) The authors gratefully acknowledge multiple discussions with M. Chisholm, A. Lupini, M. Oxley, K. Roccapriore, J. Hachtel, O. Dyck and multiple other colleagues at Oak Ridge National Laboratory whose advice and beta testing have been instrumental throughout the development of AtomAI from 2019 to 2021 and its predecessor AICrystallographer in 2016–2019. The authors also express their deep gratitude to C. Ophus (LBNL), S. Spurgeon (PNNL), F. de la Peña (University of Lille), D. Weber (Juelich) and I. Maclaren (Glasgow University) for critical reading of the manuscript, suggesting several key references and suggesting improvement of key figures.

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M.Z. wrote the AtomAI package and led paper writing. A.G. wrote utility functions for connecting theory to AtomAI and contributed to manuscript writing. C.Y.W. tested the ensemble models and contributed to manuscript writing. S.V.K. performed extensive beta testing of AtomAI features, provided extensive suggestions and feedback, and contributed to manuscript writing.

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Correspondence to Maxim Ziatdinov.

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Ziatdinov, M., Ghosh, A., Wong, C.Y.(. et al. AtomAI framework for deep learning analysis of image and spectroscopy data in electron and scanning probe microscopy. Nat Mach Intell 4, 1101–1112 (2022).

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