Integrating blockchain technology with artificial intelligence for cardiovascular medicine | Nature Reviews Cardiology
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Integrating blockchain technology with artificial intelligence for cardiovascular medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds promise for cardiovascular medicine but is limited by a lack of large, heterogeneous and granular data sets. Blockchain provides secure interoperability between siloed stakeholders and centralized data sources. We discuss integration of blockchain with AI for data-centric analysis and information flow, its current limitations and potential cardiovascular applications.

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Fig. 1: Integration of AI with blockchain moves patients towards the centre of the health-care process.


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The NIH has awarded grant funding to A.J.R. (F32HL144101) and S.M.N. (HL83359 and HL103800).

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Correspondence to Chayakrit Krittanawong or Sanjiv M. Narayan.

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S.M.N. has consulted for Abbott Laboratories and and declares Intellectual Property Rights from University of California Regents and Stanford University. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Krittanawong, C., Rogers, A.J., Aydar, M. et al. Integrating blockchain technology with artificial intelligence for cardiovascular medicine. Nat Rev Cardiol 17, 1–3 (2020).

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