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Thalamocortical optimization of tactile processing according to behavioral state

An Erratum to this article was published on 01 July 2002

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We propose a conceptual model that describes the operation of the main thalamocortical loop of the rat somatosensory system. According to this model, the asynchronous convergence of ascending and descending projections dynamically alters the physiological properties of thalamic neurons in the ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus as rats shift between three behavioral states. Two of these states are characterized by distinct modes of rhythmic whisker movements. We posit that these simultaneous shifts in exploratory behavioral strategy and in the physiological properties of VPM neurons allow rats to either (i) optimize the detection of stimuli that are novel or difficult to sense or (ii) process complex patterns of multi-whisker stimulation.

* NOTE: The title of this article contained a typographical error. It originally read: "Thalamcortical optimization of tactile processing according to behavioral state." However the correct title is: Thalamocortical optimization of tactile processing according to behavioral state.

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Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the main rat thalamocortical loop.
Figure 2: Burst activity in VPM cells and period of hyper-sensitivity after a burst.
Figure 3: Neural activity in VPM thalamus during three behavioral states.
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of neuronal firing in VPM neurons during

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  • 11 June 2002

    Fixed typo in title and added linked asterisk


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This work was supported by National Institute of Dental Research grants DE11121-01 and DE13810-01, a Human Frontier Science Program grant and a United States/Israel Bi-national Science Foundation award to M.A.L.N. and a predoctoral NRSA grant (MH-12316-01A1) to E.E.F.

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Correspondence to Miguel A.L. Nicolelis.

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NOTE: The title of this article contained a typographical error. It originally read: "Thalamcortical optimization of tactile processing according to behavioral state." However the correct title is: Thalamocortical optimization of tactile processing according to behavioral state.

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Nicolelis, M., Fanselow, E. Thalamocortical optimization of tactile processing according to behavioral state. Nat Neurosci 5, 517–523 (2002).

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