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Computational principles of synaptic memory consolidation


Memories are stored and retained through complex, coupled processes operating on multiple timescales. To understand the computational principles behind these intricate networks of interactions, we construct a broad class of synaptic models that efficiently harness biological complexity to preserve numerous memories by protecting them against the adverse effects of overwriting. The memory capacity scales almost linearly with the number of synapses, which is a substantial improvement over the square root scaling of previous models. This was achieved by combining multiple dynamical processes that initially store memories in fast variables and then progressively transfer them to slower variables. Notably, the interactions between fast and slow variables are bidirectional. The proposed models are robust to parameter perturbations and can explain several properties of biological memory, including delayed expression of synaptic modifications, metaplasticity, and spacing effects.

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Figure 1: Model schematic.
Figure 2: Model construction.
Figure 3: SNR of the synaptic model.
Figure 4: Scaling properties of the synaptic model.
Figure 5: Effects of different discretization schemes of the dynamical variables on memory performance.
Figure 6: Robustness of the model.
Figure 7: Generalizations and features of the model.
Figure 8: Testing the model in experiments.

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We are grateful to L.F. Abbott and U.S. Bhalla for many comments on the manuscript and for discussions. This work was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, the Simons Foundation, the Swartz Foundation, the Kavli Foundation, the Grossman Foundation and RISE, the Research Initiatives for Science and Engineering. The illustrations of the beakers were generated using the free ray tracing software POV-Ray.

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M.K.B. conceived the original idea. M.K.B. and S.F. developed and analyzed the model, and wrote the article.

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Correspondence to Stefano Fusi.

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Benna, M., Fusi, S. Computational principles of synaptic memory consolidation. Nat Neurosci 19, 1697–1706 (2016).

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