Interneuron cell types are fit to function | Nature
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Interneuron cell types are fit to function


Understanding brain circuits begins with an appreciation of their component parts — the cells. Although GABAergic interneurons are a minority population within the brain, they are crucial for the control of inhibition. Determining the diversity of these interneurons has been a central goal of neurobiologists, but this amazing cell type has so far defied a generalized classification system. Interneuron complexity within the telencephalon could be simplified by viewing them as elaborations of a much more finite group of developmentally specified cardinal classes that become further specialized as they mature. Our perspective emphasizes that the ultimate goal is to dispense with classification criteria and directly define interneuron types by function.

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Figure 1: Multiple dimensions of interneuron diversity.
Figure 2: Interneuron subtypes are generated from discrete proliferative regions within the subpallium.
Figure 3: Two faces of interneuron function.
Figure 4: Coordination and flow control hypotheses of recruitment.

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Work in the authors' laboratories is supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health (R01NS075531 to A.K. and MH071679, MH095147, NS074972 and NS081297 to G.F.) and generous support from the McKnight (A.K.) and Simons Foundations (G.F.). We are grateful to G. Buzsaki, C. McBain, B. Rudy, M. Long, R. Tsien and members of our laboratories for discussions and comments. We thank J. Demidschstein for creating Fig. 2. and J. Kuhl for Figs 1 and 3.

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Correspondence to Adam Kepecs or Gordon Fishell.

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Kepecs, A., Fishell, G. Interneuron cell types are fit to function. Nature 505, 318–326 (2014).

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