In this paper tube methods for reconstructing discontinuous data from noisy and blurred observation data are considered. It is shown that discrete bounded variation (BV)-regularization (commonly used in inverse problems and image processing) and the taut-string algorithm (commonly used in statistics) select reconstructions in a tube. A version of the taut-string algorithm applicable for higher dimensional data is proposed. This formulation results in a bilateral contact problem which can be solved very efficiently using an active set strategy. As a by-product it is shown that the Lagrange multiplier of the active set strategy is an efficient parameter for edge detection.
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Hinterberger, W., Hintermüller, M., Kunisch, K. et al. Tube Methods for BV Regularization. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 19, 219–235 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026276804745
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026276804745