Future wireless networks are expected to employ packet access with highpeak-bandwidths demands. This will impose a significant challenge forfrequency reuse, especially for services deployed in a wide area. A dynamicpacket assignment (DPA) method [1] has been proposed as a key component of theMAC protocol for an OFDM-based Advanced Cellular Internet Service (ACIS)system [2], which is targeted for applications such as Web browsing, with apeak downlink transmission rate on the order of 1 Mb/s using a wide-areacellular infrastructure. This method is able to allocate radio resources ona packet time scale and reassign them in about 100 msec, thereby gainingadvantages in both statistical multiplexing of packet access and spectrumefficiency of dynamic channel assingment (DCA). In [1], it was shown thatclosed-loop SIR-based power control combined with DPA can achieve very highspectrum efficiency. However, the overhead required for power controliteration significantly reduces effective throughput. The contribution of thispaper is two-fold: (1) Interference suppression is considered as analternative for performance enhancement. (2) A detailed system description,for both downlink and uplink, is given to show how OFDM, DPA and interferencesuppression can be combined to support future high-speed wireless packet dataservices [3].
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Chuang, J.CI. An OFDM-Based System with Dynamic Packet Assignment and Interference Suppression for Advanced Cellular Internet Service. Wireless Personal Communications 13, 167–183 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008977908447
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008977908447