We present a rigorous mathematical proof of the correctness of the floating point square root instruction of the AMD K5 microprocessor. The instruction is represented as a program in a formal language that was designed for this purpose, based on the K5 microcode and the architecture of its FPU. We prove a statement of its correctness that corresponds directly with the IEEE Standard. We also derive an equivalent formulation, expressed in terms of rational arithmetic, which has been encoded as a formula in the ACL2 logic and mechanically verified with the ACL2 prover. Finally, we describe a microcode modification that was implemented as a result of this analysis in order to ensure the correctness of the instruction.
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Russinoff, D.M. A Mechanically Checked Proof of Correctness of the AMD K5 Floating Point Square Root Microcode. Formal Methods in System Design 14, 75–125 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008669628911
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008669628911