We extend the notion of unital as well as unitary polarity from finite projective planes to arbitrary symmetric designs. The existence of unitals in several families of symmetric designs has been proved. It is shown that if a unital in a point-hyperplane design PG d-1(d,q) exists, then d = 2 or 3; in particular, unitals and ovoids are equivalent in case d = 3. Moreover, unitals have been found in two designs having the same parameters as the PG 4(5,2), although the latter does not have a unital. It had been not known whether or not a nonclassical design exists, which has a unitary polarity. Fortunately, we have discovered a unitary polarity in a symmetric 2-(45,12,3) design. To a certain extent this example seems to be exceptional for designs with these parameters.
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Mathon, R., van Trung, T. Unitals and Unitary Polarities in Symmetric Designs. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 10, 237–250 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008252622458
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008252622458