In this paper, we propose a prefix code matching parallel load-balancing method (PCMPLB) to efficiently deal with the load imbalance of solution-adaptive finite element application programs on distributed memory multicomputers. The main idea of the PCMPLB method is first to construct a prefix code tree for processors. Based on the prefix code tree, a schedule for performing load transfer among processors can be determined by concurrently and recursively dividing the tree into two subtrees and finding a maximum matching for processors in the two subtrees until the leaves of the prefix code tree are reached. We have implemented the PCMPLB method on an SP2 parallel machine and compared its performance with two load-balancing methods, the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method, and five mapping methods, the AE/ORB method, the AE/MC method, the MLkP method, the PARTY library method, and the JOSTLE-MS method. An unstructured finite element graph Truss was used as a test sample. During the execution, Truss was refined five times. Three criteria, the execution time of mapping/load-balancing methods, the execution time of an application program under different mapping/load-balancing methods, and the speedups achieved by mapping/load-balancing methods for an application program, are used for the performance evaluation. The experimental results show that (1) if a mapping method is used for the initial partitioning and this mapping method or a load-balancing method is used in each refinement, the execution time of an application program under a load-balancing method is less than that of the mapping method. (2) The execution time of an application program under the PCMPLB method is less than that of the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method.
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Chung, YC., Liao, CJ. & Yang, DL. A Prefix Code Matching Parallel Load-Balancing Method for Solution-Adaptive Unstructured Finite Element Graphs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. The Journal of Supercomputing 15, 25–49 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008117625893
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008117625893