The mapping of author networks at academic departments is the focus of this study. Papers from two departments at two different universities, but within the same field of research, were analyzed in terms of co-authorship, direct and indirect citations among the authors. Considerable overlap was found between the co-authorship and the citation based networks. The paper also introduces the idea of socio-bibliometric maps that can be used to make social interpretations of bibliometric networks. The nodes of the networks were labeled by sex and seniority and supervisor-student links were also indicated. When reading the maps and tabulating the links it could be concluded that the two departmental networks were structured differently by sex and seniority.
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Mählck, P., Persson, O. Socio-Bibliometric Mapping of Intra-Departmental Networks. Scientometrics 49, 81–91 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005661208810
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005661208810