A thin shell model refers to a surface or structure, where the object’s thickness is considered negligible. In the context of 3D printing, thin shell models are characterized by having lightweight, hollow structures, and reduced material usage. Their versatility and visual appeal make them popular in various fields, such as cloth simulation, character skinning, and for thin-walled structures like leaves, paper, or metal sheets. Nevertheless, optimization of thin shell models without external support remains a challenge due to their minimal interior operational space. For the same reasons, hollowing methods are also unsuitable for this task. In fact, thin shell modulation methods are required to preserve the visual appearance of a two-sided surface which further constrain the problem space. In this paper, we introduce a new visual disparity metric tailored for shell models, integrating local details and global shape attributes in terms of visual perception. Our method modulates thin shell models using global deformations and local thickening while accounting for visual saliency, stability, and structural integrity. Thereby, thin shell models such as bas-reliefs, hollow shapes, and cloth can be stabilized to stand in arbitrary orientations, making them ideal for 3D printing.

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We thank all the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and constructive suggestions. This work was supported by Grant No. 61972232 from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and by Grant No. 2020ZLYS01 of the Key Research and Development Plan of Shandong Province of China.
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Yu Xing received his B.Eng. degree from the School of Computer Science and Technology of Shandong University in 2022. He is currently a Ph.D. student in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Lin Lu. His research interests include computer graphics.
Xiaoxuan Wang received her B.Eng. degree from the School of Mechanical, Electrical and Information Engineering of Shandong University in 2022. She is currently a master student in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Lin Lu. Her research interests include computer graphics.
Lin Lu is a professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University. She received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from The University of Hong Kong in 2011. Her research primarily revolves around computer graphics, with a particular focus on geometric computation in digital fabrication.
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Xing, Y., Wang, X., Lu, L. et al. Shell stand: Stable thin shell models for 3D fabrication. Comp. Visual Media 10, 643–657 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41095-024-0402-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41095-024-0402-8