The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing paradigm in on-going research fields and industrial domains that includes wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, big data, smart cities, large-scale industrial IoT services, etc. In the Internet of Things architecture, wireless sensor networks can be an important factor in optimizing IoT solutions. This architecture includes various gateways, controllers, application servers, and IoT clouds. In many Internet of Things (IoT) applications, messages may need to be distributed to a specific set of objects or nodes using the multicast communication mode. Existing IoT multicast routing algorithms are not performant or efficient enough to support multimedia group-based applications in an IoT context since they are primarily focused on ad hoc sensor networking scenarios. In this paper, we propose MSDN-IoT, a novel multicast software-defined network based on a hierarchical shared multicast tree, and a flexible set of SDN controller modules, like group management for dynamic multicast services. Our results show the effectiveness of our protocol over state-of-the-art protocols in terms of end-to-end delay, end-to-end delay-variation, scalability, and other metrics.

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Baddi, Y., Sebbar, A., Zkik, K. et al. MSDN-IoT multicast group communication in IoT based on software defined networking. J Reliable Intell Environ 10, 93–104 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40860-023-00203-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40860-023-00203-x