This research was carried out in a wetlands complex of great environmental and socioeconomic importance located in the north of Colombia, highly impacted by different anthropic activities that take place in the region, e.g., livestock, agriculture and urban wastewater disposal. Field measurements of pH, temperature, turbidity, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen were performed at 22 sites located in the Bajo Sinú wetlands complex. This wetlands complex includes Ciénaga Guatinaja, Ciénaga Momil and Ciénaga Sopal. Through a linear regression analysis between field-measured variables and the reflectance values of the Sentinel 2 image, models to represent the spatial variability of the different water quality parameters were obtained. In addition, water quality maps for drinking and aquatic protection life use were created based on Colombian standards. All generated models have a determination coefficient (R2) > 0.7, except for temperature with R2 ≈ 0.6. The five models are characterized by having correspondence in the electromagnetic spectrum with the areas belonging to the near infrared and the visible spectrum. These models, obtained from Sentinel 2 images in combination with GIS tools, allowed a complete analysis that contributes to the spatial–temporal monitoring of the studied aquatic ecosystems.

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The authors acknowledge the collaboration of fishermen’s association of Bajo Sinú Wetland Complex for their support during measurement campaign.
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FT-B performed the experimental design, sampling campaign and prepared the manuscript text. DM-A compiled the data and manuscript preparation. FA helped in the literature review and linear regression analysis. DR helped in the literature review and sampling campaign. LCG-M performed the linear regression analysis, models selection and results discussion.
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Torres-Bejarano, F., Arteaga-Hernández, F., Rodríguez-Ibarra, D. et al. Water quality assessment in a wetland complex using Sentinel 2 satellite images. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 18, 2345–2356 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-020-02988-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-020-02988-3